406 E Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21202
39.2898913, -76.6098906
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
10am – 7pm
10am – 7pm
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heres a bit of need to know info..the the plaza is cleaning up thier act allot of the same favorits still there and a few fresh faces never seen.i checked it out about a week ago the girls are looking better and sweet as ever.as for whoever claims they made her do heroin get a grip and stop trying to find somone to blame your problem on!ive been in there quit a few times and what few girls do get down keep it pretty much to them selves.as for the new ones theyre drug free as far as i know.if youve benn there before and disliked what you saw i suggest you definitly give this place a second glance.!!
They keep it dark so you can’t see what they look like to you get up close thats why as soon as you come in they want you to buy a drink.But the girls are easy
Been a client over 5 years. Reciently the place is been looking good with girls with fun aditudes. Lots of touchy-feely women, *but bargen your $$ down for a lap dance* Don’t except the high inicial prices. **Watch the nite bar tender, he will run up your tab. Day time tenders are much more fun!
Closed on a Saturday night? Did they get raided again?
How many of their girls are currently serving time? Is the bartender still pimping out his niece?
i workes at the plaza a few months ago they has me doing heroin and the ladys room smells like crack im in rehab now but honestly if you go here look at the girls for arms for trck marks and be safe.
Obviously the last poster has worked at the Plaza since it was raided. This place sucks. Bottom of barrel girls here with no where else to go. Without all the drg dealers, it’s not unusual for this place to have no customers and a hand full of fat over the hill dancers.
One big happy family? Even before the raid, this club had more cat fights amongst the girls than any other club on the block. Bartenders were also often rude, hostile and at times violent towards the dancers, mostly when they were too strung out to make them money.
Nothing but crack whores and heroin junkies. Oh lots of drug dealers too. You’ll find them after every shift change like clock work waiting for the girls to get paid. Once the girls get paid, they get paid. The drug dealers (men) spend as much time going in and out of the ladies room as the ladies. This place don’t even bother trying to hide it. Forget about cash. Bring some dope or crack and you’ll get more mileage.
I worked at the plaza before the girls are fun loving and a joy to be around. They may not be 10’s but hey they make it up with there personality. The bartenders are friendly the only reason someone would think they screwed them over is cause they were messing with there girls and not in a friendly way. Its like a big family where you are welcome just dont rub noone the rub way and they treat you like gold. If you go in there should be certain girls you look for as in Tiffany she’s been there for along time but she knows how to make a man smile. So for everyone that has something bad to say thats the ones we as girls all LOSERS WITH NO MONEY.As like any other strip club you pay for what you get and if you aint paying nothing you aint gettin nothing.Get that through you lame brains.
But overall this place is the place to be along with having more girls then most clubs on the block.
It is kind of a hole in the wall but the girls were thin and cute, the beer was cold and fingers were sticky.
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It really sucks