4716 North 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85014
33.506194, -112.0566214
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
10am – 7pm
10am – 7pm
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If you are looking for extra mileage, look for Fancy (real name is Nancy) during the weekday day shift- she’s worked there for like 15 years and is always down for fun in the backroom. My buddy and I went a couple months ago and she gave him a BJ in the backroom and her number for OTC. I went back the following week and found out for myself- only cost me $300 and I got more than just a blow job, which was surprising since evidently she is married and has kids. White, slim, brown hair, early 30’s, from New York, say’s she is a sex slave on the side but looks like the “girl next door”.
You’re welcome, gentleman!
I just visited this place to have a drink with my boyfriend and it was horrible! I would give it 0 stars if I could. We sat ignored for over 30 min and had to flag down a very very rude waitress. Took another 30 min to get drinks. Girls were ok and that’s being very nice. I would never go back and spend money here
don’t waste your time
I thought i was at the Jungle!
I hate this place. My mom works here. she had to blow the manager tommy to get night shifts becuz she is older. fucking hipocrits
I don’t know HiLiter… I want to like you, but it just is never quite right. The staff has been friendlier here lately than in the past for sure. The waitresses are hot and awesome. There are quite a few very pretty dancers, too. Kudos to them for keeping it diverse. There are all races, body types, fake and real tits, tatted and non-tatted. We do always have fun and usually come with a group for a birthday or something. I think it’s the decor that throws me. Remember hypercolor color shirts and those neon days back in the late 80’s, early nineties? Well, that’s what their decor looks like! The chairs and carpet match and not in a good way- the exact same pattern!. The chairs are cushiony and kind of scare me thinking what might be on them or embedded in the fabric. They also take up a ton of room, so you generally feel as though you are intruding on someones lap dance or might get kicked in the head. I haven’t had a dance here in years, but whoa! I don’t know if the recession is having the girls working harder for dances or what, but they have been MUCH more lax. Touchy, touch , almost to a point of discomfort. Bare touching to the client, under shirts, bras, underwear… I’m sure most people dig it, but if you don’t want to get that “personal” I would advise skipping the dances. Overall, not bad for a strip club! How about a little decor upgrade? A patio cleanup? And maybe someone to Windex the mirrors because they are covered all throughout the club with streaky hand prints. I’m sure this place can afford it based on those hefty drink prices. Enjoy and try not to get kicked in the head with a giant plastic heel. *TIP- go on-line to print free admission passes, then you can save that 10 bucks for a groping and pretty X rated lap dance!
3 time vistor on vay-kay in afternoons after golf, always had a decent time, I like thin girls so this place fits my style.
If you dig strippers that try and blackmail you to pay for two lap dances when you only had one, well this is the place for you… Good luck!
Extremely friendly dancers that were extremely hot!!! Well worth the $300 I spent.
Stopped by for lunch.Been awhile.Friends said food bad, dancers worst.Chunky dancer, looked liked still pregnant from last year.
this club is the worst ever…
This club is awesome!
Club is small, full of ghetto girls and customers. If you like coke, go there, cause every one’s cracked out.
My favorite club to go to. Lots of variety in the girls, so you’ll likely probably find something to your liking. (and yes, I am a _real_ customer).
A great relaxed atmosphere. Friendly girls, good waitstaff. Some excellent dances (if you find the right girl of course).
The only things this club needs is Revamp the restrooms and Make the Vip more Private.
Gimme a break, HL has the best dayshift in Phoenix. Trust me, it has not gone “downhill”. There is plenty of talent to go around. $25/song is above local market for vip, and privacy is limited, but can be great fun with the right gal.
This is an excellent club. The attendent is in the bathroom becasue it is small. It can get nasty awfully fast since a number of guys cannot do their thing or puke without making a mess. A dollar is small amount to pay for a clean restroom.
You are spending upwards of $100, why begrudge a dollar? If it makes you feel better take some candy. Maybe your favorite dancer has a favorite candy. At least it will show her you care about the little guys and washed your hands.
The dancers here are great and the value on the floor is outstanding. Try Michelle, Rose and Hallie among others. The drink are cheap during the day. If you don’t sweat the small stuff, you will have a great time.
I’m not a hater, but I’ve never understood washroom attendants in strip clubs. And very few of the clubs I have gone to have the doormen expected tips from the customers. Let them make a living some other way. That said, Hi-Liter is an OK club. Not a lot of variety as far as looks go and way too much silicone for my tastes. The service is fairly good and the DJ for the most part stays out of the way. Top 5 in Phoenix, maybe Top 3.
Will not go there again. Stopped for lunch. Should have gone to Dennys.Waitress’s at Dennys look better than dancers at this bar.
This club steals from the public with the entertainment it puts out.
I went there sat. about 12:30pm,not much that early but i stuck it out and it paid off.dancers started streaming in 2:30ish and it got much better.if you can try to sit on the back wall.that’s where the best 10.00 dances are.didn’t try the private area,the d j booth looks right into it.
OK, so yeah i am goin there!! well actually i have all ready been there and back! this is the place to be, really it is, no not for the drinks but for the view, it’s all about the view and the best 10 dollars you will spend in a 3 minute time span… i do not recommend going to the vip, why you ask/ welll, because for 10 bucks your still gonna get grind-ed on, boobs in your face and prob walk out with a load in your shorts.. maybe even a hand up your shorts if you sit on the end against the wall and your a perv an wear super short shorts!Yep, really!! There all different styles of girls to choose from, tattooed, tits on a stick, average, beautiful, girl next door, beauty is all over the place!! Go, take your girl then go home and do the dirty….
Conversation in VIP room;Her: I can’t go out with you after work – I only have the sitter til 2.Me: Aw, baby, c’mon, call the sitter, tell her you’ll pay her overtime.Her: Can’t. Maybe we can go out next Tuesday. I get off early.Me: You always say that but Tuesday will come around and you’ll have some new excuse why you can’t go out with me. Her: (being witty) Nuh-uh. Me: Yeah, huh. (equally witty response)Her: I’ll tell you what, I’ll go out with you if you pay for the sitter, pay me what I lose out in tips for the night, and take me to a nice place; like Outback. I pause to do some mental math.Her: Do we have a deal?Me: What say I just give you fifty bucks and you beej me in the parking lot after work.Her: Fuck you, you pig. Me: Whaat?? What did I say? – Wait – come back – I’ll throw in a few extra singles for formula.
seen better in Saudi Arabia
Always a awsome time at the hi-liter. People that don’t like this club don’t come back. Its better for those of us that do! To all the dancers keep up the good work.
This club goes all out in trying to rip you off. I bet when I walked in VIP, all the bouncers and manager’s high-fived each other sayin ” another idiot in VIP!”. The second you walk in, your being charged. No matter if your getting dances or not, your getting charged $25 a dance. Not only does the club rip people off in the VIP but they also do it when you buy drinks. First of all, their drinks taste like sh*t and are horrendously overpriced, even for a strip club. Waitress had a nasty attitude, wasn’t friendly at all and I can tell she’s sick of her life and where it’s going. That’s not my fault b*tch! Anyhow, dancers were just yack! I don’t think the club gives a flying f**k who works there, as long as they pay the house fee. Every now and then I see a really pretty girl but when I do, she is impossible to catch. Usually the rich old guys hang on to her for dear life. Bouncers walk around like they are Mr. Olympia bodybuilders. They constantly give you that “I wanna fight” look. They may be big but I know underneath their monkey suits they look like sh*t. This place is just a disaster, stay far away. As a matter of fact, this place has ruined strip clubs for me all together. I’m gonna look at that as a very good thing. Thank you HiLiter, you saved me lots of future cash!!
Doorman that expect a tip to seat you, lousy music, ugly
women, what more can I say? Oh yea $15 dollar rip-off
I would not consider this a gentlemen club. It’s very small only one stage and the girls are unattractive and most were severely overweight. The only positive note was they have an extremely friendly bouncer.
This club has some good nights with the ladies, then others that aren’t so great. The waitresses suck. You can order a drink and have it expected to you in 20 min. Overall, if you get there on a good night, the ladies will not disappoint you.
Been coming here on and off for 10+ years. The day shift quality is slipping and what use to be a busy place Wed to Fri is usually pretty easy to get a seat on the wall at any time. Few young hard bodies anymore, but lot of 30ish single mom types with some mileage on them. You can get some great dances still, the door guys and bouncers are good, but it’s not what it once was as far as hard bodies and high energy.
Went in on Sunday to watch the Suns game and the ladies. Lots of variety, lots of ladies for a Sunday afternoon. Dancers with brains that can hold up their end of a conversation.
I don’t like the doormen escorting you to a seat, then expecting a tip for it. I’m a big boy and can find my own place to sit down.
Great club…better than most.
This place rooooooocccckkkkkss
i love this club, there are always plenty of beautiful girls to go around, and the staff is friendly.
There are other gentlemen-type places around town that deserve their accolades, but I never have as much fun as when I’m at the Hi-Liter. A friend from out-of-town wanted to go to a gentlemen-type establishment. When I suggested the Hi-Liter, she recoiled, saying that the place looks skeezy. I begged for some faith, and of course, nobody was disappointed. Cheap (by strip club standards) drinks, friendly staff, everyone in the place – customers and employees – having a good old time. Upon leaving, we asked for a cab, and one was there in under two minutes. Here’s something that always happens, and it happened again tonight:The waitresses often wear shorts that say “Hi Liter” across the derriere. You’ll never notice this until everyone is s-faced, and then someone will say, “I cant believe that girl’s ass says ‘Hitler.'” Then you stare until you regain some vision and realize that it doesn’t. This has happened at least 3 times at this place, no joke. Might not seem funny, but mix alcohol and/or other social lubricants with loud music and and general tomfoolery, and it’s funnier than the last three Adam Sandler movies combined (not saying much, but still),Overall, there are other clubs that do other things better, but you’ll never have as much fun as you do here.
This club is not what it used to be.
This place was awesome about 5 years ago, but has been steadily going downhill. I don’t know who hires the dancers here, but they are nowhere near the level they used to be. I used to love going here on Saturday afternoons. There were plenty of major hotties (many of whom were available for take-out) dancing there. Now, it’s hard to even find one that you would want to take to the VIP. This club still has things going for it, but the quality of the dancers really needs to be improved.
This is a Great Club!!
Nothing good to say.
Some girls were cute but i got a dance from missy the supposid miss hiliter and could not smell anything but B.O.!!
Club needs upgrading, if it wants to hang with other spots in Sun City!
Why do i keep throwing my money away on this loser?
Always good times
Night-time not bad. Day-time,like going to dog kennel.
Employees rate club awesome. Customers give “F” rating!
Out of all the strip clubs i have been to, this is one of many that i’d go back to. Had a HOT waitress and the dancers are very friendly and understanding. Why this club has a low review is beyond me. I’d recommend this club to anyone.
This Place SUCKS!!!!!
The place is dirty. Chairs are broken. Some waitresses were rude. Many of the girls were rude. The music and music system is complete garbage. Awful experience.
I consider this club the United Nations of strip clubs. Girls from every race dance here. However; there is one particular asian dancer who is beautiful with really bad breath. After dancing three songs she falsely claimed she actually danced six songs (and wanted to be paid for all of them). I gave up the cash and learned a valuable lesson. Stay in your own lane when at highlighters.
I agree with IBDGUY. Day shift was once good. Now most of girls look like they need to chance professions.
Been there many times bw careful of some girls in the vip, they ask for outrageous tips. I have my regular waitress mirna and best dancer, Jewel, total steetheart
Avoid the goth-looking waitress at all costs; she’s super rude and mean. If she approaches your table, just say you’re waiting for a different waitress. The place is pretty run down and the clientele is low class but the dancers are top-notch and fun. Wish the waitresses and bartenders were more attentive and fun but they’re all pretty dull and the door girls can’t count out ones correctly for the life of them. The drinks are super weak and overpriced, they’re probably the worst in town in that regard. The dancers truly carry this place, they’re awesome. The security guards are also pretty cool.
Great club to work at and visit!
more fun than I can explain!
With all the clubs in Phoenix,this has to be the worst one of them all! The day time is the worst time.
great place to pick up a dime bag
Nothing worth saying.
This club should be shut down. It’s that bad. Would go there ever again.
Girls are hot, dances are cheap, bouncers aren’t power tripping. Everything a strip club should be. Only gripe is that I wish the back room was bigger and more private
I like this club. I can usually find a friendly enough girl that makes the VIP very worthwhile.
I won’t lie, I’ve been here once or twice. Not on par with Canadian clubs but much better than the other clubs in the valley.
Not my favorite strip club by a long shot. It’s too crowded; there are too many chairs for this tiny club. Seriously, the girls can’t even do a proper lap dance without kicking some poor schmuck in the head with her big hooker shoes.And, the few times that I have been here I have been bombarded by dancers. I know that some might not think this is a bad thing, but before you even get a chance to fight your way to a seat and settle in to your tiny little section, 10 girls have already asked you if you want a dance.
I have been here 1 time, back in the early part of 2004. I liked it and almost decided to work there. I went with one of the people that lived in my apartment complex at the time. We had a good time there. I had this short tank top on, jeans, and high heels. When we left, 1 of the customers gave me $40!! I didn’t even work there!! LOL! THAT was a great time. The dancer were very pretty and the stage was awesome. Drinks were a little pricy. Don’t know what it’s like now in 2011, but it sure was fun there in 2004.
Attractive women very enthusiastic and professional will be back. Only down side some of the hostesses smelled of tobacco but that maybe due to being up close and personal with audience. Thanks girls
Great place to go hang out during the day.
First visit: 09/13/2015Last visit: 01/24/2016Another small Phoenix strip club that was on the top ten list the past couple of years. We aren’t really sure why though. It wasn’t a horrible club by any means; we’ve seen a lot worse.We went on a Friday night after we left a different club and it was definitely one of the busier clubs that we have visited here in Phoenix. The door girl apparently did not want to be there that night because she literally told us the price, took our money, gave us change, and said nothing else. We almost walked out right then, but it looked like it was busy so we figured that meant it was going to be a good time; at least we hoped.After our horrible experience with the door girl and the door guy patting down Kristian who was dressed better than the entire security staff there, we noticed that there was a smoking patio right there as well as the ATM. We then entered the club and saw the bar to the right, the left side of the club was lined with two people tables and chairs with a mirror running the length of the wall.We were sat by one of the security staff right up front which we appreciated and he was one of the more personable staff members that we would encounter the entire evening.There’s one stage; not a bad sized stage, with two poles and two high heel chairs on it (no one used the chairs, but that would have been nice to see if the dancer was erotic and sensual enough to pull it off).Sadly, we have a lot to say about the club, which we actually liked, but we couldn’t tell you much about the dancers because not a single one talked to us even after we used the cash cannon a couple of times. There were a lot of them working the floor, walking around, but none talked to us. And they only have one song to dance to on the stage so we didn’t really get to see all of them work, but the ones we saw were pretty good. They all seemed to be flexible and have basic pole skills and a lot of them were gorgeous….yeah that’s all we got.
Went in on a slow night. Not enough girls but the
girls that were there you’re very pretty hot bodies.
There were a few that were just average and a few
that were perfect. By and large good experience.
Florida answers 10 box if you’re against the wall 15
VIP 25 the only difference with VIP seems to be more
privacy and maybe a little bit more excitement. Girls
were pretty good at providing erotic experience.
Quite enjoyable.
Are there two Hi-Liter clubs in Phoenix? Because the one i’ve gone to sucks! The people who give good reviews must work there. They won’t even write their names. Probably trying to promote business.
I haven’t been to the Hi-liter in years but have fond memories of this fine establishment. A couple of years ago I was kicked in the head by a dancer who was giving a dance to Mike Tyson… twice! There was no blood so I let it slide… I mean, did I really want to take a chance interrupting Mr. Tyson’s good time and risk decapitation? I think not.
I went in for the first time in a couple of years to see how it was post-pandemic. It was pretty busy for a Saturday afternoon. No cover during the day. Drink prices are what you’d expect. I can’t comment on the food because I didn’t order any. That’s not why I was there. They had a good variety of ladies, although I didn’t notice a lot of ethnicities. I got dances from 3 different dancers and they were good. Some of them that I would have liked to get dances from were busy chatting with regulars. No complaints, I get the same treatment where I’m a regular. All in all I will be back.
This club is a hidden treasure. I can’t belive it’s got such low reviews.
Awsome time with the ladies and the staff. Great fight and better times!
I don’t know how this club gets bad reviews. Hot girls dancing. hot girls bartending and waitressing. $7 steak and lobster tail—What the F#*K!!
I agree with Red. The day shift is awesome. Try Marley if you want a sensuous dance from a great looking woman. Fancy if you want some cheap thrills. Mackenise if you want the girl next door. All in all the price is right and the women are outstanding
These ladies are sexy and the best. Give the Hiliter a chance
This is one of the best clubs i have been to. great lap dances. I remember one time the bouncer said to stop doing something, but when he left the girl said it was okay again (nothing Illegal). YMMV. Like all clubs, there are some really hot girls and some girls that shouldn’t be there, and then the rest in between. I remember I wanted a lap dance from one girl, but she stayed with one guy for the entire time I was there, so that kind of sucked. But this is a great club with really cheap dances, $10, compared to out here in CA where they are at least $20. If i am ever in arizona again, I will be sure to stop by there again.
this is the best club in the valley…
So I took a dozen or so gay rugby players in this place as its right by my house and I was really, really loaded at the time.Jesus did we have a great time! Drinks weren’t too over priced, the girls were friendly, and as one of the two straight guys in our crowd, let me tell you, take some gays with you to the strip club. Its entertaining, the girls don’t feel threatened or creeped out, and you will laugh your ass off.Overall I liked it there. Standard strip club from what I can remember, but not so pushy with the “hey mister, want a dance” thing, and the waitresses will keep serving you well past your prime.
Not good
I’ve been a regular of this club for years and recently took my buddies here for a night on the town. We all had a great time with some very hot chicks, but I’ve gotta say, this club has gone downhill this summer. Theres way ttoo many girls working the floor now, way more than they need. It was like there were 5 dancers for every 1 customer, and as a customer I dont like that because its too much pressure. I dont like to get hustled every 10 seconds. I love getting dances, but like to relax and enjoy my night too. My buddies felt the same way. This is still a good club though. Stilla lot of hot girls. Great menu and good drinks and a very nice atmosphere without being too snooty. Lose the extra dancers which you definately dont need guys. Then you’ll be in top form again. Long live the hiliter.
This club deserves a way better rating. I have been going there consistenly for several months, and no matter what day or time, there are always plenty of gorgeous and sexy girls. Most are very friendly and don’t try to force you into VIP (which at $25 per dance is a bit overpriced, that’s only 4 dances for $100!) But it’s always a relaxed atmosphere, and they have a nice smoking patio area with misters. Overall I would put Hi-Liter in the top 2 or 3 clubs in the valley.
Day shift: Rose, Hallie, Kaylee, Devon, Marley, Skylie, Niki, Nyla and I am missing some. For a Phoenix club, this is top talent. I don’t see the complaints.
Great, Great, Great.
i had to get my stomach pumped I will never go back
Not the biggest, baddest or hottest strip club in town but for a night out with my friends it was fun. Plenty of good looking girls, not too pushy and very friendly. Dances were decent for $10, some girls were much better at it then others. Drinks were typically overpriced, just like any other strip club. When there’s another night out with the guys…I’ll make sure to bring this place up again.
This place is awesome! It lives up to its review rating! The girls are hot and friendly too. I can see why people could get crammed in it because it is small but if you go early or some time other then Friday or Saturday it’s perfect! Highly recommend this place!$10 lap dances$25 VIP
At HL yesterday. HL going nowhere fast. Place a dump.
I don’t know how this place is still open. So seedy and really appalling how gross this club really is. It’s borderline . I don’t understand why you must use a place of establishment there are other places . I don’t get that strippers need to sell a bunch of extras when it’s not suppose to be like that. You’re disgusting if you’re asking me to do things I’d only do with someone exclusively you’re telling me what kind of person you are ? Drinks were horrible never going here
Day cover $5, night cover $10. Average dance cost $10, average drink cost $4. VIP dances cost $25 and only the rip off strippers want to do those…the rest just have fun doing the average $10 dances.You can go to their website and print off a free admission pass hiliterclubaz.com/coupon
By far the best day shift in the valley. How does this club not get better reviews?!?
I missed the Lobster and Steak Day. It moved from Monday MNF to Thursdays. Its Kinda a cool spot to watch MNF. Staff are nice. Food honestly is really good. The Dj Wouldn’t play Digital Undergrounds “Freaks Of the Industry,” said it was to slow for time. Free Parking.
Had a blast, will def. be back next time I am in town.
Club sucks !!!!
This place I have wanted to try for weeks…..well months….well years. My girlfriend and I went and love a good strip club. The dancers were very friendly and hot. Drinks were a bit overpriced, but it is a strip club so expected.Had to work to get a lapdance as nobody approached the couple….that was weird. Usually the dancers at clubs are very friendly, so they should work on that.Lots of diversity, didn’t try the private VIP but it looked worth it.
this place has really gone down.day shif went south
The most beautiful girls in Phoenix.
Male staff adequate. Managers great. Inside Bouncers (Drug Dealers).
Hi-liter is still one of the best value clubs in metro phoenix. Almost always a good selection of non-crackhead girls, hi-quality laps for $10, good club atmosphere, safe environment, very little hard hustling that I saw, and from what I have heard, an excellent kitchen. Waitress quality is slipping a bit, but other than that, I would bet on this place for having a great time before any of the other clubs…I Don’t like the bouncers wanting to seat you though…
day shift is good night slipping a little employees are nice getting a little to getto lately
Don’t waste your money or your time.
IF I COULD GIVE THIS PLACE ZERO STARS I WOULD!!!!!!! Never agian. Service was bad. Waitress brought me a dirty glass and got really defensive when I asked for another glass. Instead of pouring a new glass she pour the drink from the dirty glass into a new glass. When I she brought it back she basically said we would never give anyone a dirty glass. She said she might have had some lemon or lime on her hand. Wow so I guess I was supposed to drink whatever dirt that fell off her hand and into my drink. I explained I didn’t want that drink. She went back to the bar and got a fresh cup and drink. She comes back and says the last drinks I gave you were over poured by mistake and I don’t want you to think I under poured you this time. I said I good I just wanted my drink in a clean glass. We pay her and tip her. Mind you this is our 2nd round. The waitress walks off and I take a sip of my drink. And it’s some kind of harsh house vodka. I stop the waitress and told her that this wasn’t grey goose vodka. I told i didn’t want anything and handed her the drink. She offered to bring her manager over. I watched her talk to her manager then return to the bar. She came back to our table and handed me a drink and said my manager said to replace the drink and if there was any “other” issues to speak to him. I told her that she offered to bring him over and i wanted to speak to him. She raises her voice at us and says why are you guys giving me a hard time I’m just trying to do my job. So before I raise my hand and slap the shit out this rude ass waitress i get up and walk out. My husband is still in there. Next thing i know he is being kicked out this piece of shit because he said this bitch is hella rude. Now the waitress tells the bouncer that she fears for her safety. The bouncer offers us free passes to come back to a place we never paid to get into in the first place. And he said fuck the drinks you just bought you have to go. THE WORST PART IS THE “MANAGER” NEVER MADE AN APPEARANCE. i will never go back there again.
Great Club. I don’t know how this club gets low ratings. Been to a lot of the clubs in the valley, and this is easily one of the best.
I’ve been to several places over the US and this is small, the girls don’t pay attention to you, and about 50% of the girls have a gut. The select few that were actually good looking were worth the stay. The place is very small and if actual skilled pole dancers tried to go there they wouldn’t have the space nor height to be able to do any tricks. Also, any drinks with liquor were watered down and kinda expensive for not great drinks. I’ve been to better but there is also worse.
Club is small and gets really crowded. Girls are great.
Wow, No Wonder this club is rated so well on other sites.. what is the deal here?.. Lots of Mileage for your dances, more than any other club, for 10 dollars, are you kidding me?.. $25 for VIP, yes you get an amazing dance, offer more and see what you can get!… Wide Variety of Women, every type you could ever want.. Many Hot women!.. and a few not so hot.. Someone for everyone!
I love this place, lots of variety, friendly girls, good dances, great service, easily one of the best clubs in town.
This place is awesome!
Saturday night in Phoenix, place was packed. A lot of lap dancing girls. Friendly service for as busy as they were. This was my first visit and I would go back.
And NO, I don’t work there! I am looking to buy a club.
Great club. Will go back often.