3940 West Lawrence Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625
41.968524, -87.7271389
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
10am – 7pm
10am – 7pm
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The area around this club sucks
Hey…I really miss working with all my friends I’ve been thinking about coming back to the club and working…I miss Chicago so much…I have been all around the United States and the Admiral has the coolest managment, best looking girls, and one of the best atmosphere…I miss u guys, hope to see u soon….
was there for a party. darkest club in chicago. might as well
watch a rubber blow up doll in your closet. despite four of us being there with some tall cash in hand (we just came from the empress boat) lazy, indifferent girls were more interested in talking, flirting and dancing with each other.
Just as well beacause it seemed most were fat. A better show can be had for free at oak street beach in the summer
This place sucks in my opinion. High cover $20-25, dry (no alcohol), and you must buy a mandatory drink. Steep prices for private dances ($75 and up), table dances are ok ($10) everyone else on the floor usually watches for you though. No grinding, simply air lap dancing. All songs are cut short by the DJ to minimize the fun. The feel of the club is nice, good variety of good looking girls, but it doesn’t outweight the downfalls of the club. Will not be going back again.
I really liked The Admiral. I went in for their Halloween zombie event and I was totally blown away by how different it was from other clubs. I’ll be back.
I was just there last week and I loved it! Thanks again!
I love Monday night football! They do this thing with naked chicks kicking field goals. hot!
This is one of the worst clubs I’ve ever been to.. TOTAL RIP OFF
I won’t go anywhere except the Admiral if I’m going to a boobie bar.
There’s really only so many things in this city to do till 6 in the morning. The Admiral would be one of them. Although the girls are mostly out-of-all-other-options sad, they don’t serve alcohol, there’s a pretty hefty cover, and a bottle of water is about 10 bucks a pop…I guess it is something to do in the city till 6 in the morning other than go to sleep.
Been coming here for years. The best night is Tuesday or Monday [slows down, more attention from girls]. Check the website for deals and discounts before you go.
it is good
wow, i was very dissappointed… not one girl came up to me.. even though i’m a female i wanted dances.. but also, the quality of performers was very low
The fact that I stopped by a strip club immediately after a date could mean a couple of different things. Maybe the date went fantastic and I was in need of a continuation of having a girl grind on me, or alternatively that the date went awful and I was in need of some trashy ladies to return my brain to alpha male homeostasis. I am happy to report that the latter is correct. This was obviously not a planned stop. I was driving down Lawrence on my way back to the freeway to return to the burbs when I saw this joint out of the corner of my eye on the right like an oasis appearing in the desert. I mentally deliberated for about a second and a half before pulling over to the side to park. Yeah, ummmm, you do not exactly have to twist my arm to lead me over to the dark side most nights. The cover charge was 25 bucks and the doorman outside was so cheesy he might as well of been a cartoon character. Once inside the interior was pretty much a carbon copy of just about every other strip club I have ever been to in my life. There were bright multi-colored stage lights, chairs lining the main stage, dimly lit seating that dotted the exterior, and naturally a bar and a VIP section for private dances. I was dressed to the 9’s on the night of my visit since I had just returned from a date, which is not the best way to enter a strip club as a general rule. The girls see that and it’s like a shark that smells blood in the water. After ordering a glorified Shirley Temple to drink, I took a seat and tried to take in my surroundings and get a lay of the land. I was in my seat maybe 45 seconds before a girl was planted in the seat next to me. She was mildly attractive, but held no candle to the girl I had just left 15 min earlier. Then again, this girl was almost naked, which immediately elevated her status up a few pegs in my book. To her credit, she did not immediately go for the jugular. She asked about my job, if I had a GF, my family, etc. It was actually fairly engaging conversation for a stripper. Most strippers I have attempted to converse with in my life have difficulty even forming complete sentences. After she moved over to sit on my lap, my steadfast resolve to conserve funds and just throw the occasional few bucks to the girl on stage went bye bye in a big hurry. I am not going to give you a blow by blow of the next hour and a half but I am sure you guys can probably figure it out for yourselves. She even described her car and where it was parked outside and told me to leave my number on her windshield wiper after I left. I said ‘sure’ at the time, but did not follow through with it. I have enough problems in my life without adding a stripper GF into the mix. The ladies here are really a mixed bag from what I saw. Some are pretty cute, others look like they have been living out of their car and have girl parts that resemble ground chuck from Mariano’s grocery store. Overall, this is just an average strip club, and exhibits nothing memorable that would differentiate it from any other I have ever been to. You might get lucky and wind up with one of the cute girls here. Then again, you might wind up with one that causes you to gargle bleach and scrub yourself like a rape victim after returning home. In the dice game of life everyone hits craps eventually, but at this place the odds are stacked firmly against you.
mm i agree with the previous comments.. no more watered down drinks.. and better quality girls.. kind of sad.. club has really declined in years. compared to previous years
My first time ever going to a strip club, i must admit i was very impressed by the hospitality and atmosphere. No smoke smell and it was very humble. the girls were amazing and very polite.
Excellent club
Horrible………..horrible……..horrible. Went here for years back in the day!How can we quickly sum this place up? Over Priced to get in……….2 NON alcoholic drink minimum. Girls aren’t that hot. I was sitting there just relaxing when a girl comes up to talk going “you like neck massages?”. I’m like “sure”. Then after wards she stops and goes “$20”. I laughed and said “no way”. She calls some guy over and I explained I wasn’t paying for a NECK massage when she started doing it on her own. After a few words, the guy backed off me. You want a LAP dance? The girls can’t even sit on your lap and you can’t touch them. Um, what kind of dance is that? Can they get any FARTHER away? It’s a lap dance, NOT “Stand 10 feet away and watch you fake strip” Oh yeah that’s turning me on when you are 10 feet away baby!!!! And the songs are like maybe 2 minutes long? $20 for that?? beware! Then again, you see your typical stripper guys shelling out money left and right. you know, the dirty/creepy or fat disgusting guys who actually think the girls want them. um, sure buddy! they just want your money you losers!Only reason we came here is cause my friend from out of town wanted to check it out. I agreed to go back with him, and won’t be going back for a very long time.Heavenly bodies is where it’s at boys!!!
cover was too much and the club is dry, no alcohol. The girls were pretty good though. A lot of variety and good looking girls.
To be fair, this is the only stripclub in Chicago that anyone should visit. The others are a total waste of time. love this place!
This is my favorite Chicago hang out spot!
This place is great! The prices are fair, the staff is cool and the girls are all really hot! I’ll be back again and again. 10 stars!
I love Admiral girls! Yay!!!
We rolled about 15 deep for a bachelor party expecting a table near the main stage. They didn’t even know we made reservations, which we did, so took an extra 20 minutes to get in…all the while our buzzes were slowly depleting. We had to sit in VIP to accommodate our size which just meant more cash for lap dances, boo. Coming with a group is a plus which resulted in half off the cover coming to 12.50 a pop. There is one main stage and two single stages on each side. The quick list:- NO BOOZE hence the full nudey- $6 mixers and one drink minimum (Pepsi, Red Bull, etc.)- $20 dances in VIP, $10 for regular seats- Private dances start at $75- Good talent – Fairly laid back and respectful security- Bar for drinks two doors downThe entertainment was for the bachelor so it was a bit tough keeping everyone occupied sitting so far away from the stage. No individual attention or making it rain on stage like a Lil’ Wayne music video.Once we realized we needed to replenish the booze hound in all of us about half the group headed to the bar two doors down. They have no problem with patrons coming in and out of the place as long as you have your hand stamped (and not completely wasted). Eventually we regrouped there and the majority departed. Round two. Right up at the stage. This was definitely more fun for and originally what we were looking for. The bachelor needed to know just what he might be missing after taking the plunge. Oh and $60 to get the bachelor on stage and embarrass the hell out of him. This is what I envisioned and wish we would have arrived earlier. Things to consider:- Group size- Booze or no booze?- Time of arrival- ReservationsOverall Admiral Theatre was sufficient but by no means above average for this special occasion. Call around and see what deals you can get because a large enough group gives you some negotiating power.
Great club! I just moved to Chicago and I just found out about this. My girlfriend and I love going to stripclubs and we checked out one of Admiral’s competitors first, before we found out this place existed. Our experience with the competitor was not good [i wont say who it was so they dont get free advertising from this]….we went in, paid cover – picked out a girl we wanted a dance from and asked her to go to a booth…surprisingly…she told us NO!!!! ‘I only dance for men’ She said. We told the manager and he said it was the girls choice not to dance for us….how insulting!
Anyway – we went to Admiral last weekend – wish we know about it sooner! Better looking girls, better prices, cheaper drinks in the bar next door, full nude, AND not one single girl denied us a dance. They were all happy to take our money and spend time with us and we were happy to tip them.
We’ll be back – a lot.
It’s hard to please every customer. The real cons seem to be the price for drinks and dances etc. Compare for a moment to Vips with $20 cover $8 drinks +++ $20 dollar dances and 500 dollar vip dances for an hour. (admiral is $300)granted there is no alcohol this club is still not so bad.
i once watched a girl from behind shake her badonkadonkshe shaked it wellshe moved closer to my groupshe swayed her round buttocksit made the room sway alone with heruntil she turned aroundto reveal she looked familiaras in FAMILYyour! mine!she was my couzin!!!!!GAH!!!!!!!!!washing my eyes out with soap as we speakthis burns.stop it please!
I’ve been here before and it is a fair club but i prefer another club that is located in another state
I came for the NYE party! Really enjoyed myself. I came back again on Sunday and had even more fun. Great club!
i hate the places where they ask for money before dance. take the table dances only,booth dances are rip off. its a 18+ club so no alcohol served.Girls are OK looking and here to fool kids,not for men. I would say drive to scores or south side clubs rather than wasting your time here.
Monday Night Raids is an organization devoted towards the lifting of human spirit and the discovering of one’s own abilities. As such we have thoroughly enjoyed the Admiral on numerous occasions and look forward to future meetings.
From the monthly visits from top adult industry performers to the excellent masseuse, Admiral has top quality entertainment.
According to Tony, we also like naked chicks.
Here for a bachelor party.I’m not a huge fan of strip clubs nor will I ever be. I’d rather rent a porno and throw my money at the TV then go back and pick my money up later. Although I’m not a fan, I will have to say this is the nicest strip club I’ve ever been to. The restroom was amazingly clean!!! Not the usual piss on the floor, puke around the toilet rims or the fear of getting shanked. The toilets were so clean, I wasn’t even afraid to take a crap. Yes I took a dump at the strip club. Usually I would hold it in and head towards a gas station but I was able to relieve myself there without the fear of contracting some new type of STD. The downside is Chicago’s regulation. If it’s fully nude: no alcohol served. Also the music selection was pretty awful…who strips to Coldplay?The part everyone wants to hear. The strippers: I couldn’t really compare them to other strippers in the area since the other club we went to was closed for some reason. So I’ll compare them to the women I’ve seen in the Chicago area. They are pretty women but can be pushy. The thing I noticed about Chicago women is no butts or very few. Being from the South I like a nice round butt and thin waist. Didn’t see that around town and was hoping to see it a the club but nope. All the walking women do here and a lot of flat butts. What the hell? Out of the ten strippers there maybe three had nice asses. One of the women there did have a nice butt and she was wearing glasses but luckily we left when we did because she probably would have took all my money. I do have to say I think the Admiral turned one of my friends into an addict. He was gone for a couple of hours and probably spent a house note there. I’ll have to do an intervention if the next time we go and he ask for a food menu or orders chicken wings at a strip club.
Place was amazing! I’ll be back really soon
Highly disappointed…if a girls sits with you too long the bouncer has to come over and tell them to move! I bet they put the strippers on treadmills and force them to run in the back room too! Shitty dances (no touching…AT ALL) and way overpriced drinks!
For them to not serve booze is NOT a good idea. Its hard not to notice that the girls are average, there really isn’t anything great about the place, and the fact that half a soda should not cost $5. There isn’t anything wrong with this place per se, its just not worth the high prices to have a so-so time, esp. when there are better places so closeby.
I think people are giving this place bad reviews bc they want a whore house and not a strip club. Good atmosphere, creative non-alcoholic drinks, cool weekend feature shows, beautiful ladies of all ethnicities and sizes, awesome v.i.p. rooms with couches and chandeliers, great prices, full nudity, bar next door, valet, the girls are hilarious and sweet and very entertaining! 10$ for a fully nude lapdance! This club is better than any other one I’ve been to in Chicago and has a cooler vibe! ATM inside and walgreens across the street. These women are actually dancers/entertainers which is refreshing.
just got back from this place tonight. it was my first time being there – the 6 of us went down for my friend’s birthday. description in 2 words: fucking amazing. much classier and higher quality of ladies than the other clubs i’ve been to. it was a lot of fun. the girls were all very sweet and ofcourse very beautiful. if keanna or paige or tori or any of you other hotties are reading this… thanks for the good time!
Worst strip club ever.If you have a bachelor party DO NOT GO HERE! We arrived with 10 guys for a bachelor party–something you’d think a dead strip club would welcome with open arms. Unlike most clubs, the only deal they offered was no admission fee for the bachelor. This is cruddy. Then, when a couple of guys were outside having a cigarette before enterring, they decided that we weren’t all enterring together and that deal did not apply. I argued this point vigorously and was asked to leave before even getting in. The stupid “sales associate” insisted we all pay the cover charge and really gave everyone a bad taste in their mouth. LIke I said, if I was the owner of a strip club that was dead on a Saturday night, I would go out of my way to get a 10 person bachelor party in the door, not give them a hard time. The reports I had from my friends who actually did go in said the girls were fairly unimpressive as well. This place sucks. The people suck. You can’t drink. The girls are not attractive. Sounds like a real winner, right?
Well I’m giving this place a 4-star review, though it’s based on my one time visiting here and it was for a birthday 6 years ago. I’m sure the place has changed immensely since I was there, but I have faith that the place itself couldn’t have plummeted that far downhill since then. Of course, I could be wrong.Regarding the cover, when I went there it was $20 cover for a Tuesday night, and they did have printable coupons for half-price admission. Which meant an extra lap dance. Yea, lap dances were $10 a pop here back when I visited. I have no clue what they are now, but I’d heard things about stripclubs and I felt $10 was a fair price for a lap dance lasting one song’s duration. Just make sure to grab one as soon as the song starts and you’re golden.Yea, my headline of “I always get my money’s worth when it comes to food” doesn’t just apply to food…For a Tuesday, the place wasn’t very crowded, so prime seats up at the main stage were always available. Some of the patrons looked like “creepy regulars” though, but my friend and I had a blast sitting there at the main stage throwing money in front of each other exchanging “YOU’RE A GREAT FRIEND” sentiments. I recall we made several strippers laugh. Which is probably better than making strippers cry – no matter what the Bloodhound Gang would have you think.The night got interesting when they announced some kind of T-Shirt Extravaganza or something (I don’t remember the cheesy name, just how awesome it was). The ladies were walking around wearing these T-shirts (or had them tied around their waists) and for $25 you got the T-shirt and three dances. Mathematically, I couldn’t pass up that value.Her name was Lyza (stage name, I’m sure) and after the three dances, I wound up getting a quick private session with her (not the insanely-priced half-hour or hour packages costing upwards of $300). There really wasn’t much difference between the lap dances on the floor and in the private booth, but it was more private and we could hear each other better.In an odd twist of fate, I’d brought a Sharpie with me in odd hopes that I’d get a stripper’s phone number (can you tell I’m a socially-awkward nerd with little grasp of reality?) and instead it went to getting Lyza to sign the T-shirt she gave me. After all, there’s little else a fat man like me can do with a Medium-sized T-shirt from a stripclub – so I turned it into a nice souvenir.Of course, the better souvenirs came from their little “gift shop” where I got an interesting DVD and a nice toy for myself.All in all, I wound up dropping $140 in four hours at my first time at a stripclub. I felt I got a good deal. I had a great time. I got some great merchandise. I’m sad now that it’s been 6 years and I’ve never made it back there, but maybe someday I’ll convince my girlfriend to take a trip up there with me.Or I’ll get invited to an awesome bachelor party. Any guys getting married and needing some more male friends?
I had a blast here, mainly in part though because I didn’t pay for entrance fee, coat check, or water, I was comped on that but I did spend on the girls. If you are on a budget I don’t recommend The Admiral. The entrance fee I believe is 25$ not sure on coat check I believe it was 5$-10$ per item and person, you must order at least 2 drinks whether it be water or a soft drink. Yes they don’t serve alcohol which is a big downside, there is a bar adjacent to the locale, but who wants to miss the show and walk out? And that just hikes up your spending budget even more, so pre-drinking is A MUST if you plan on getting a buzz. Or just bring a bottle, leave it in the car and walk out for swigs (Do have a designated driver) lol The bouncers and security are very strict as to be expected at a strip club. The Admiral is a great theater very nice inside, the DJ is so so.There is private rooms in the back for private dances. Many people complain about the girls not looking decent, but for any strip club there is a mix and there will be that one that will catch your eye, plus full nudity. The girls are very friendly, by the way I noticed that the better looking girls arrive or go on after 12am. All in all I had a great time I recommend this place if you are not on a budget, once! Would I pay for it? NO! I would skip it and go to a club and get bottle service instead or do VIP. Our host spent about 400$+ There are too many cons for me to give it a higher rating, but if someone is willing to take you and comp for you then don’t miss out, or if you have the money to dish out then definitely go (But trust me you will think this the next morning: Was it worth it?).Quick tip: VIP just doubles your price and does not else for you – skip it. The later you go the better the girls and the more friendly they are.
Had a great time at the club with a friend of mine, dancers were great, and gave great attention to their customers. The waitresses were pretty cute too.
You can’t have a stripclub in the city and have booze. That is the law. DUH
outside looks like a palace – inside looks like a palace too! The girls are all gorgeous – the prices were suprisingly low and the service was amazing! A+ !
Yeah there are better options in Chicago for sure.
best club i went to ever….
Isis is a nasty whore. Shes the dirty stripper. The others pretty much keep it clean.
have not been in some time but i read most of the other reviews and i have seen who is playing there and did not know half the stuff thos people are talking about . i had no idea it was even what the others are saying it is . i have only gone for when bands play there and its a very nice staff . but like i said this was years ago so am not sure even what goes on now , but i do pass by and they still have some well knowen bands play in the early eve.
This club has gone downhill since the mid-’90’s. Whatever they’re charging is not worth the money or time. The quality of girls is very poor.
Best club i have ever been to that is 18 and up.
I wuv da Admiral!!!
These guys are the coolest
The place is a dump . The girls are ugly . The dances are terrible. ATM fees are $15 . The bouncers act tough and are incredibly rude. Overpriced with terrible talent . The DJ looks like Jon Roberts . A real GTA 5 type of feel to this place. Don’t go here. You’ll walk out underwhelmed and ripped off.
Made mainly for show, plus the club is right smack on the
edge of a very bad neighborhood.
This is the best booby bar in Chicago. I love The Admiral. I wish they’d bring back naked pillow fighting.
Super club with some of the hottest chicks I’ve seen. Very friendly staff and great atmosphere…especially the private booths. The only complaint I have is that the only food they have is lousy pizza, but the next time I go, I’ll make sure I eat first.
i had so much fun
Beautiful women. Great atmosphere. High Prices! Everything is high. I like the fact that there’s no alcohol. I don’t drink and eliminates drunken assholes. Overall a cool place to go just a little too expensive.
Cannot relax there, the girls get pretty bitchy when you politely decline a dance…they hound you pretty badly at that place- so hard to just sit and chat with you friends. The girls are attractive…but after buying two mandatory cokes and getting hassled to death for dances you will probably feel a little pissed. a decent place if you have lots of money to throw around and haven’t gotten laid for a few.
Hey first time there today scoping out the place had allot of the six song private dances i think their over priced at $150 each well depending what girl you land on, had about four that were lame and performed better at the table than they did in the private booth, although i got this 30 y/o hottie that was willing to do anything i was playing with everything imaginable and had a GREAT time with her, compared to other clubs we have been to this is a fun club down side is no smoking or drinking alcohol , although they do have $5 bottles of water hahaha…The DJ sucked ass volume and sound quality was great but his choice in music was NON- strip club rated it really really sucked out of the 6 hours me and my buddies were there he played 4 good songs…Overall Great Time Valet is cheap only $5 plus always have to tip and security is super cool. out of a 10 rating score I’d give this place a 8.6
To the ones that gave this place a 5 star:come on you must be blind if you consider these girls sexy! lol are you serious????Ok about this place…UGHHH where do i start! i was just there last week with my friend and first off: DISCUSTING and not because the girls were nude but because they were ALL ugly!! so skinny that you could see their rib cage! makeup not done right, hair NOT DONE, poor outfit selection. They have a nerve to charge girls$20???to get in? we were the best looking ones in there and they were so intimidated by us that no one would even come close to us!( WHICH IM GLAD THEY DIDN’T LOL) Now, you expect WOW when you go to places like this right? ha ha ha NOT! ! All the girl look like they are 14 years old!!! 16 at the most! i am not joking! seriously people! WHO DOES THE HIRING THERE?? i was so discusted that we left shortly after30 min! WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY!!!!!!!!!There was some old woman in there asking people if they want a neck massage,she looked like something was wrong with her posture and her face was quite washed up from many years of partying kinda face you know what i mean .now who will wanna get a neck massage from girls like that?there was a spanish girl with her nipples pierced, she did not throw any smiles almost seemed confused on that pole,and her slow motion dance was more then anoying since she paused for most of the time and just looked around as if she was looking for something lolOk a note to management: PLEASE DONT HIRE LITTLE GIRLS,WITH NO CHEST,NO BUTT,NO HIPS,NO TAN, HAIR AND MAKEUP DONE. FOR GOD’S SAKE! i will never go back there and tell al my friends what bull this place is come on this is more then ridicoulous, and to the stripers there: you guys can make more money bartending lol WOOWW oh ,oh i forgat! AND LADIES PLEASE GET A BOOB JOB ! I MEAN SERIOUSLY WHAT WAS THAT??? FLATTTT AND VERY DISTURBING! AS A FEMALE HOW CAN YOU EVEN PUT THAT IN SOMEONES FACE? COME ON NOW..
Amen Brother….This club sucks.
Ok so I went in here for the naked pillow fighting thing. I thought it was gonna be stupid and I wasn’t gonna like it. I was half right. It was stupid and I LOVED IT!!
The best part was the host. Brilliant! Nice mustache and referee uniform! That asshole was hilarious!
Good show. I’ll come back.
Great spot to hang out after work! And they are open till way after I get to stay out = 6 am! I like the Admiral a lot. I recomend it to all my buddies.
I should have left it as a one night stand. Its mystique diminishes with each visit. My boyfriend and I normally go to this type of place once a year; we’ve been coming here once a week since NOV 2011.The girls are nice enough. They are definitely strippers without any real talent. Hence, no dance pole on the floor. Still, my boyfriend and I find it most entertaining to sit by the stage and lay out 5 singles. The full nudity is what differentiates this place from any other in the Chicago area that I’m aware of.The last time we visited, it was just after we rang in 2012. We didn’t stay long. I was accused of being a buzz kill with my blatant discontent for being there.Pre-party is essential. They do not serve alcohol and this is not a BYOB establishment. There is a bar adjacent to the club. You’re allowed to come and go but you must leave your drink at the door.There is a 2 drink minimum of water and kid beverages. Do not give the cocktail server large bills when you pay for your drinks. She will purposely short change you and blame it on poor lighting when you call her out. Nothing is for free at a strip club so the guy who is surprised to be charged for a neck massage is a complete idiot. Just like any night club in the city (dance and gentleman), the prices are steep. It’s suppose to keep the cheap and undesireables out but that’s all they seem to attract.NOTABLE MENTION: This just happens to be my 69th review!
This is the best Chicago adult nightclub. The Admiral Theatre is incredible! A must see for any Chicago visit.
This place sucks as well as the girls.
I agree 100% with Johnny this club is bad now. Don’t waste your time nor money
I also prefer Monday nights [football, free food, half price admission, etc]
The hottest girls are Savannah and Jasmine
anyone try the 12 song private dance? any better than 3-6 song dances?
Love the club and love the girls! This place is a lot of fun – gorgeous ladies work here, too! This is probably the best place in Chicago for someone to go to if they like white girls.
I believe the girl’s name was Natalie, Just wow, she made my night. Talked just enough and danced even better. Very intelligent but flirty at the same time.
I went with a lady(not dating) friend of mine. We enjoyed a great time and great service.
Kind of club you won’t /Afk in, if you know what i mean.
I love this place
Great staff, gorgeous girls, beautiful club interior. The service was excellent and the price was right. I can’t think of any reason not to come back!
had a great time! thanks to all the girls! hugs and kisses!
I really enjoyed the pillow fight show! Great stuff! Hilarious!
pillola cialis
best club in chicago i was there on a saturday it was the best i been to the girls are the best.
It’s a great place if you have a done of cash. The drinks are way overpriced and the cost of the dances could come down a little. Like the girls, though. Hot and friendly. The girls definitely like the younger guys, which is good if you’re young like me. There are places where you can get more bang for your buck, though.
Paige and Lola! Wow! So so sexy! You wouldn’t believe what these girls do! Amazing!
Its a great place for girls to hang out at too! I love all the sexy gowns in the gift shop! Check out the adult boutique! Great toys for couples!
nice club, always a good time. need more features more often.
Its a good club, but be careful if you bring a female. The dancers are less likely to approach you if you are with a female date. I have been there with male friends as well and the dancers approached me more often. This club is more upscale then others I have been too.
Too expensive and no alcohol. Its a club you go to when you are in high school and can’t get in anywhere else.
This was the worst club I’ve ever been to! The girls act like they don’t want to be there, they show NO enthusiasm in their dance. They have no boobs, and no asses!! The whole night we were there the place was dead. These girls have absolutely no attitude or flavor! They need to get better dancers who seems more enthused, not like the girls they have now who roll their eyes as they dance and play with their nails while they dance… what the hell is that all about! I will not go back to this club. Polekatz was better!
this club is awesome. We have a good variety of entertainers that work here, this i one down to earth club and all the ladies a hott. Come in and see us all, please you wont regret it.
yes i know there is no booze, but there is a bar two doors down so u can go wet ur whistle and then come back in and see us take it all off. The DJs are awesome,and so is the music. We have so much fun that every one has a blast and leaves happy
we have a good variety of dances to choose from, so come in and have some fun with us, couples come have fun to( we have special deals with the booths for u and you’ll have a blast also
see you soon everyone 🙂
its a great club but1 its too far from my house 2 the prices are more then dream girls
they should really stop inviting tall boney craters all over their face crackhead lookin grls-0its not good 4 buisness,we need more pretty onez…
Just checked it out – very nice!
Read some of the other reveiws about girls not approaching when with another woman…..Didn’t have that problem. My wife and I went last Friday and had a terrific time. Had a had Valerie approach us right after she got offstage and gave us a 3 song dance and it was great. Very sensual and paid lots of attention to my wife while keeping me ‘entertained’. Sat down and had Dani approach us and gave us a table dance and she rocked as well. All told only spent about an hour and half there and that was all we needed. Great club.
I was at Monday night football last week for the naked field goal challenge thing that they did! This thing was amazing! Hot naked chicks kicking field goals and the audience wins prizes! Free food too.
I’ll be there on the 14th of October for the Zombie Burlesque show!
It was ok. Need alcohol to get into the chicks
Very nice club. I worked for this club along time ago. This club is extremely strict on the dancers weight & when I start gaining weight I had a certain amount of weight to lose. I didn’t lose the weight quick enough so they let me go. I was able to come back when I was at there desirable weight again, but it use to be big money in this club.
This place wasnt as hyped up as they make it on the radio. I went there last night for zombie stripping night and I set my expectations far up. There was a few girls dressed up as zombies and what not. There was 1 girl who got really defensive when we denied her services. She came off as very arrogant and overly cocky especially for some one that wasnt that great looking.The security were meh, very anal!
All I have to say is if you want the time of your life, spend an hour with Brooklyn. Not only is she the most gorgeous girl in the world, but she enjoys an intellectual coversation, and absolutely LOVES what she is doing. Best lap dance of my life, and I almost feel like I got a friend out of it as well. Brooklyn will you marry me?
So many sexy girls! Be back soon
I’ve been going here for years and I love this place! My favorite girls are Paige, Brooklyn, Roxy, Lana and Lola. This is the number one adult nightclub in Chicago for a reason.
A great club with a great atmosphere. The girls are all top notch and the place looks amazing. I love this club. Its the only choice for a strip club in Chicago.
Treated terrible by staff and was a horrible experience. Awful Worst strip club experience I have ever have experienced
this place sucked for all nude $20 at the door and plus u had buy a soda or water for $5 order to stay and the girls cant not dance BORING
Let me first say that I am not a connoisseur but this place is fairly lame. The layout of the stage is fairly interesting in that is small so not alot of people can sit at the stage and help generate revenue for the place and they don’t serve alcohol. There is a good reason why they don’t serve alcohol but you will have to go yourself to find out. I ended up here for a bachelor party and to be completely honest, would not go here again on my free will.
– $25 entry for men- $6 for a drink- $75 for a three-song-long private dance- $150 for a half-an-hour private dance- $275 for an hour private dancePark your car on the streets around and save on the valet.The ATM inside has a $15 withdrawal fee, use Chase ATM in Walgreen’s just across the street.Cherry was good, other girls were average or below. Negotiate the prices especially when there are few people in.
By far the best strip club I have ever been to. (and I have been to most of them from chicago to miami.) Clover, Lana, Julianna, and too many others to name. All should be on the pages of playboy. This place is classy and first class. The staff are friendly and you can not beat only $10 for a completely nude table dance. I am coming back with all of my lady friends. You rock Admiral!!!
Lots of cute girls here, most are cleanly shaven and dont mind showing you. Very little contact at this club though. no grinding like OTB or HB’s.
this place sucks all the girls are ugly
By Olivia: Hey Ladies- looking for hair and eyelash extensions and airbrush tanning . http://www.eyelashesbyolivia.com
Admiral gets only two stars from me. Not because it was so terrible but because it never came close to the hype I had for it. Some of that hype was from other people (not Admiral’s fault, I know) but some of it came from the anticipation you get upon arrival only to be disappointed after you’ve been there 30 minutes or so.Maybe I need to give the place another chance but I guess I could name quite a few places I could have at least as good a time and spend less AND at least get a little bit of a buzz.Bottom line… there are better places to get a better bang for your buck.
Great Club! Great Girls!
This club was awsome dude! This stripper named Isis makes thier club stand-out more. She does some crazy shit on and off the stage. If you come to chicago check out the admiral you’ll have a great time.
Just got back from here and am pretty disappointed with how I was treated by the bouncers. Apparently if you are alone on a busy night, you are not very well respected even if you have been sitting in same spot, buying drinks and dances. I was asked to move over to a table where another single person was sitting in order to make room for a group of 4. What the bouncer did not care about was that it was the only seat left on the floor and I would be sharing the table with a middle-aged man who was not only talking to himself, but holding on a conversation with himself all evening. I opted to walk out instead of sitting next to that guy. I had already spent a nice amount of money in that place and was waiting to do a VIP dance with one of my favorite dancers there. Because of the disrepect that I received from this bouncer, she missed out on a 30 min VIP. Not sure when I’ll return. I like the busier nights because all stages are going at once. I don’t want to go in on only slow nights.
Hated this place!
Very classy club!
This is a good club
Was at ameteur nite this past Thursday. Sucked! LaToya and Liberty should have won! Very political. Picked a drag-queen looking girl to win that already worked there before so why in the hell was she participating. Place sucks.
spent all of my time in the VIP. Had 3 differant girls. I don’t remeber anyones names but first girl was freaken great. 2nd dancer only wanted to tell jokes and not dance….It was strange. 3rd girl was the winner, great dancer and enjoyed talking. I don’t like girls who would rather talk then dance. 3rd girl danced during the music and talked only when things got boring then started dancing as soon as she needed to. I like the club, would go back agian. You just want to make sure you get the right girl. If you don’t like a girl just try to grab a differant one. They do have some good dancers and they have bad ones.
The guys working right now disnt let me in simply because i didnt say thank you for the vallet parking… i payed tip and everything but if your not gonna tipp more than 15$ ‘,(i tipped 9$) your ginna get kicked out.. they might and hopefully fire these illegal bouncers soon, lets make this happen
Full nude, which is awesome. Everything is expensive though and you can’t wear hats. The girls only car about money and don’t really talk much so it kinda defeats the purpose of flirting. They need to serve alcohol it was dumb that they had a drink minimum but no alcohol and most of the girls live way out of state. I met some from Russia.
I love this club! Viva Admiral Theatre! I use to work at this club when I was in college. I couldn’t have made it through school with out their help. I graduated and started working in full time health care and now I regularly visit the club with my friends as a customer. We always have a blast!
Love this place! Great location on the north side of the greatest city on Earth! I pitty their competition! All hail The Admiral!
I went there and was surprised that there were so many girls working, but only a few were on the floor giving dances. Good for me, because they didn’t come up to me every minute asking to take them into a VIP booth, but bad for them because there was a lot of money to be made on the floor that night (pretty full). To the person who said that everyone was rude, I couldn’t disagree more. Everyone was cordial and those girls, who I turned down a dance for, were very polite. The quality of girls wasn’t as good as the past. If you like full figured girls, this is the place for you. I like variety and this place seemed to lack the small to mid-sized chest and tight body type girls. I’d still go back because the girls tend to change very quickly here.
Had a good time. It was a little expensive for a one hour private dance, but very enjoyable.
Hats off to The Admiral. This year they have the best Halloween event in the city
Probably the hottest girls in Chicago. Really great service, really amazing interior and all around a cool club.
Best club in the area. If you want a super dance from a VERY hot dancer try getting one from Tasha. A fantastic looking lady that combines both being cute as hell and beautiful. Not something you find everyday. Been going here for a long time and can’t say enough about the service, bouncers and the management that have always treated me and my friends with respect. My thanks to managers Steve, Joe, Carlos and everyone connected with the club of for making EVERY night great. Also there is a bar 4 doors west of the club for those of you who wish to have a few drinks as part of your night. The club is clean the girls are great looking the staff is friendly, all the DJ’s are great. Try to make it on on a night that Lee is DJ’ing though if you want to hear a great blend of music both new and classic rock along with dances from an exceptional looking group of ladies. Don’t forget though to get some table dances and some booth dances with Tasha. She is simply AWESOME and you will want to come back for more. Thanks beautiful!!!
I went to this club after a year. I was surprised to find how bad the experience turned out to be. Valet parking guy didnt come to my car even when he was standing free. I thought I need to find parking myself so I moved ahead as road was getting blocked. Then there were lot of one ways and I reached back to door after lot of difficulty. Then they charged $30 parking plus entry. The guy at counter is supposed to put some mark on hand which he just pretended and there was no mark on my hand. he barely stamped it. whats the use of this formality? Then I went ahead to enter, there was a bouncer who seemed very angry and didnt even welcome or smile. He didnt even direct me properly where to go and just pointed towards one side and got busy with something else. Then as I was alone, next bouncer gave me worst seat. Their $10 dance is weird as its done on ther floor when one is jam packed with people around. I took few $10 dances, they were ok. I took around 5 or 6. Then I thought of going for $75 three song private dance and it was boring. Nothing new in that except that thr was a cutain and dance moves were similar to $10 one. Then there was a shocking incident. I came out and saw this girl standing in front of me. I thought of taking one more $10 dance. She asked if i want dance. I said yes. She said she does dances on floor(i.e.$10 dance) only if I take two dances minimum. I didnt understand what she said as she seemed to be in hurry. I asked her to repeat, she got angry and seemed rude when she repeated. I was shocked. This is not what we expect. If they are tired and bored, they should go back home not torture us. I could not figure out what to say so I said sorry. If this was not enough, when the second song just started she started packing things. I asked if second song is over she said it is going to be. it was 25% over. The moment I took money out of purse, she just grabbed it and ran away. I was shocked. So, even after spending so much, I had such a bad experience. No body even smiled once. Staff was rude, bouncers rude and this last dancer turned out to be super rude and gave horrible dance. Only saving part was $10 dance by Ema. She is beautiful, she talked well and gave a good dance and was very nice. so, in all Ema made the 10% of the rip sucessful otherwise it would have been 100% disaster of my friday and money.
I love this place! See you again!
Place is spotless and well-kept. Practically can eat off the floor it’s so clean. Attendant in the men’s room is very friendly. Dance floor and seating area looks like it belongs to someone who has way too much money to spend.Service = 2/5Terrible is not even the word to use when it comes to ordering drinks. Had to waive my glass in the air for about 3 minutes until a dancer told one of the idiot waitresses to do her job. Even worse, after ordering a ginger ale, it arrived 7 minutes later. Wow, really!? And, I paid $6. Not worth it. Management here needs to focus on getting rid of the young, inexperienced college kids making minimum wage who are not used to taking orders or handling a busy crowd. Plus, the seats on the general floor are uncomfortable. Kind of forces you to sit at the VIP level on the cushioned seats and pay $10 more for a table dance. On the plus side, the bouncers, coat check lady, and front desk people were great.Women = 5/5You definitely get a lot of eye candy here. Believe me, quality verses quantity is quite prominent. Go to other clubs for street trash. It’s expensive to dance here which is why the prices are inflated. Doesn’t matter the color or ethnicity, you’ll find gorgeous women: Russian, Polish, Oriental, Jamaican, etc… and LOTS of girls who are from all over the US. Tip: Don’t let ‘fast women’ sucker you into getting a dance without some conversation. Try finding a girl who is NOT from Chicago. Most likely your conversation will move in the right direction.Music/DJ = 3/5Most clubs have a visible DJ where you can walk up and at least suggest a song. Not here. It’s probably due to the girls selecting their own music while on stage. Recognized about half the songs ranging from hip-hop, country, heavy grunge, and rap. Overall, not bad but not great either. Selectively coming here for a 15 year span looks like this place has somewhat gone downhill.
First visit to this place yesterday and I did not like it at all. 25 dollar cover
charge 7 dollar valet parking and one drink minimum . 40 bucks to enter
inside and to sit. 10 dollar no contact table dances and 75 dollar no contact
couch dances as well for 15 mins . Min is 15 min dances No one song
dances.I took a gal for the 75 dollar dances and she said nude dances but
for 2 songs she did not even get nude and guess what on 3rd song I wason
Are people seriously this ignorant?If you want a true strip club that does full nudity, this is the place.What the hell are people doing complaining about alcohol? There is a place NEXT DOOR. Apparently many of the reviewers complaining about alcohol are blind.Prices are reasonable. If you want alcohol, go to the bar next door then come back and have a good time.For the people who mentioned that some of the girls are ugly, you have to consider the time you are coming. Otherwise you are talking out of your @ss, because every time me and my buddies or girlfriend went, we have dealt with some super sexy girls.Most who have always been kind to us.And Small tits? From what I’ve seen, they have big tits and little tits. Fake tits and real tits. You decide. I hate saying reviewers making up some b.s. review about the prices or claiming how they are “so much hotter”, or the girls are ugly or have small tits.Makes me wonder how many of them actually visited and how many of them are just looking for attention and drama.Point is, ignore many of the reviews, most of them consist of ignorance and girls that think they are so much hotter than the strippers.Admiral has it’s ups and downs just like any other place.Pros:-Hot girls (I’ve always came later in the night when it’s busy, I don’t know about earlier)-Full nudity, yum :)-Reasonable prices – $10 dances and VIP starts at $75, which is pretty awesome in comparison to some other clubsCons:-1 drink minimum + admission, blah-Bouncers can be a bit much sometimes, but they are just looking out I guess. After all, it’s a strip club, not a whore house. No touching! I’m guessing the place gets alot of creeps who just don’t get that.-DJ is whateverIt’s super easy to have a lot of fun here. Just do some pregaming or go to the bar nearby. Come on a friday or saturday night, I know the girls are, without doubt, hot.If you like asian girls especially, at the moment there is a ridiculously hot brunette asian working there 😉 I believe her name is Esmee? We always see her on the weekends around midnight. Very cute and fun. She has braces!My girlfriend and I have been coming there just to see her lol
This was a really nice experience. Everyone is really friendly and nice here! I fell in love with Elizabeth from the start but didn’t get a chance to have a dance from her. But she’s a beaut and I’ll definitely remember her name for next time I go. My friend fell completely fell head over heels for Eva and got a private dance from her. He said that she’s great. He also got one from Elizabeth and found at that she’s a very intelligent lady who manages an office full time. We also met a young lady named Ursula who was very nervous while there because it was her first day as a waitress. She’s sweet and very cute. Tip her well! One thing I really disliked was that because I’m female and my friend is a guy they assumed that we were a couple and didn’t get as much attention from the ladies as others. This really ruined it for me to be honest but I understood that they were just looking out for themselves because of a past incident where a woman agreed to a stripper giving her husband/boyfriend a dance and then proceeded to push her and run away. Don’t know who the stripper was but I just want to say that they shouldn’t base future business from past incidents … I really wanted a dance from Elizabeth but she never approached me and so I never went for it. Anyway, these are all very nice ladies. My favorites in order:1. Elizabeth2. Lindsey3. Natalia4. Jennifer5. Lucyp.s. Kira is really cute too.
Very good club, some girls were mad when i didnt want a dance from them, and half the girls would just ask to go to the back right away. There were some many girls i wanted dances from but they were always taken… so the not so attractive ones kept bugging me… overall i would go back in a heart beat but bring more money
All around a really good experience. I parked on the street with no problems at all even though they had valet [so you can save a few bucks if you don’t want to pay for parking]
My favorite girls were Lola, Savannah, Brooklyn and Jasmine. Incredible!
Great club!
This club could be alot better. I don’t like the fact that it is 25 bucks to get in and 5 more bucks for a watered down soda… They need to hire new girls and change their website around
Went a number of times years ago and liked it but not in many years. Convinced a female friend who’d never been to a club to accompany me. We tried to avail ourselves of the free admits that are offered on the website. We each applied with our own email addresses, got the passes, and printed them. Get to the Admiral and they tell us one scans and the other doesn’t. (Both were crisply printed with the same laser printer.) I don’t know if they do this on purpose to get one person to pony up or what. We left. Pretty stupid way to do business…once you have warm bodies entering your business you want to get their business. Our tip & drink money walked out the door with us. Still out considerable driving costs but that’s life.My suggestion: If you are trying to use their pass system you should create a bunch of junk email addresses, and get passes for each of them. Maybe several for each person who will be attending. Then maybe it will work.
Hot girls, top notch, but prices make or break the club. High pressure sales. Unless you’re loaded, there are much better places.
How could you run a titty bar with strippers without titties? Not acceptible.
Gorgeous girls: Clover, Brooklyn, Lola, Jasmine. Amazing! Keep up the good work!
This place is great!
Bravo – great club!
!!!!TASHA RULES!!!! 🙂
No touching allowed during lap dances. Chicago city law, enforced by the Chicago Police Department. Do not buy any lap dances here, you will not enjoy them. Otherwise, if you go here only to watch the dancers on the poles, well, it’s your decision.
Very good value for money. Nice place. Not the best location though. Do bring a hip flask – they’re not serving alcohol
I’ve been in Chicago 6 times on business in the last 3 years. I checked out this place and 2 of the other clubs that are close to downtown so I could get a fair comparison….it wasn’t even close. Admiral takes the prize.
This place is perfect
Yeah I don’t know why I still work here this place does suck as well as the girls.
Pillow fighting was amazing – I’ll be back for Tera Patrick.
I went with some of my friends to the Admiral Theatre for the first time last week. The girls are very pretty and fit. Even though the club is 18+ which means no alcohol there is a bar couple doors down and since you can walk in and out that posed no problem. My friends got a couple of lap dances which were $10 each, also there are private booths. The Admiral also has a boutique store where I found some great bedroom outfits and shirts besides that they have everything and anything sex related that you can imagine! I’m going back March 11th for their Burlesque night. I would recommend this club to everyone, especially if you’re under 21 and can’t get into other clubs. Also since the cover can run pretty high they offer discount coupons on their website which definitely saved us some money!
The place is HUGE and it looks incredible inside. Its an old Vaudville theater from the early 20th century that was remodeled to look like a Vegas style showgirls theater [which explains the giant stage, tall ceilings and humongous lobby]
Considering the great looking interior I can actually talk my wife into going there with me. She really likes it because she can dress up and go there and she doesnt feel out of place or creeped out. A definite plus – its really fun for her and we always see other couples sitting in there so we know we aren’t alone on that thought.
Service was golden, staff was very polite and courteous. I always feel like a star when I go in this place because they treat me so nicelly. I also like how all the girls here are so sweet and not real pushy about trying to get you to buy a dance from them. They actually want to sit and hang out with you which is cool because that’s really why you goto a strip club in the first place, right?
Girls are basically all hot, but the selection of girls is what really appeals to me. Everytime I go I see a lot of different girls working, and while many of them are the stereotypical blonde haired, big chested model types, they have all different ethnicity, shapes, sizes etc [to meet your preference]
Prices were actually pretty low [compared to most strip clubs in this caliber of a venue]. When you walk in the place looks so nice that you expect it to be costly, but its actually pretty cheap.
I also love how they have a bar next door. The bar is really cheap – $3 for a beer is ok with me! And they let you go back and forth from the bar to the club as much as you want, so the alcohol situation is perfect.
Been here twice. Once for high school graduation 10 years ago, and now I went back for a bachelor party. The quality of the inside is a bit higher than the other strip clubs in the area. I don’t “frequent” these establishments except on such occassions. I do have to say that I was pleasantly surprised at the lack of an environment of eminent stabbing. Big downsides is a steep entry fee. No breaks except for the bachelor. They are uber aggressive as they are at any strip club. Quick tip: VIP just doubles your price and does not else for you – skip it.
Nice stripclub. If u would even call it that. Clothes on kinda place. The girls are very pretty &friendly from what I encountered. I had a great time watching the show.
It’s a strip club. 18+ welcome, full nude, $10 table lap dances, $15 for ATM.
this club is so so
Walked in with a white shirt… walked out brown. The girl that rubbed on me for 30 minutes trying to get me to buy a private dance seemed more pale when she walked away… probably beacause I had her tan on my shirt. -1 star instantly-1 star for charging $6 for a coke and no refills-1 star for girls being pushy and having no tact in their sales pitch. Simply put they came of as cheap hookers. I only give it 2 stars because the guys I was with seemed to have a blast. Eh… maybe it just wasn’t my night for fun at The Admiral. I’ll never know as I don’t plan to return.
My favorite girls right now : Savannah, Nicole, Carmen, Dani, Natalie, Trina. Great club!
The place is pretty pricey overall (20-25 bucks cover). The girls are hot, but if you like big boobs, you might not find a lot of them here. Tight A, yes. They come around and give you 10 dollar dances at your seat, so that kicks ass. The VIP dances are pretty good overall compared to other clubs. I had a good time w/ my friend at his bachelor party. The only downside is the lack of TVs for sports (they show porn) and the extremely tight seating. I don’t like to be jammed in between 10 dudes I don’t know, but that’s just me.
Lola, Brooklyn, Jasmine, Savannah! Hot!
I’ve been to a lot of full nude clubs but this was the best. Classy, great selection of good looking girls. The club is humongous and anything but tacky. I will be back for sure