1047 North Main Street, Creve Coeur, IL 61610
40.6601972, -89.5923222
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
10am – 7pm
10am – 7pm
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Elliotts rocks.
Great food.
We had a good time with the dancers.
lots fun
hey jack go fuck yourself. nice red mustang at the club guess drug trafficking does pay at this club. cause the nasty bitches certainly dont except for the doctors who treat stds. ivy and cindy do coke in the smoke room with the rest of the dancers. fucking crackheads and cocksuckers hang out here close this piece of shit white trash breeding ground so faggots like jack have to go elsewhere and these sluts leave town fucking dumb ass uneducated bimbos.
Had a great time.
Rate this 1.
A lot of dancers.
Too many dancers!!
Real nice club!
i want to appoligize to dave for the mean things i have said about him.
don’t go here dirty as hell girls cant dance and are funky as fuck. big time rip off youll end up getting your wallet stolen byb drug using dancers. this place is white trash at its finest crabs herpes thesse bitches got it all
need pot or coke just come here and see ivy or cidy or one of the other dancers they have it all at this place where corruption and drug use is wild. stds are free see dancers.like getting ripped off see blonde bartender. want wallet stolen see ivy. come on in to club std where needles and stds are floating everyday in here. we have a new promotion going on , bring in a bar of soap and give it to your favorite dancer and get half off the dance god knows they need soap nasty ass whores. but it doesnt matter after all this place is nothing but lowlife scumbags and losers look at ivys family and the rest of the girls there who would really want to get hiv by messing with theses nasty ass drug using std infected whores.
Place seems to be running smoothly.
Found my love.
None of you fuckers ever barred me. I am respected in all the clubs and noboby will ever barr me. I have been on my medication for over 3 weeks.
El rock
Had a great time.
gett in on
Why does this Jeremy Brown write every day? Doesn’t he have a life? He sounds like a real moron.
Real nice club!
The bipolar moron is off his medicine again. That boy ain’t right.
The girls suck, the music sucks, and the dj thinks it has to be loud enough to blow out your eardrums. the service has declined and the overall attitude of management and staff is horrible. to bad all the good ones are gone. we miss you!!! now all we have are guys who are trying to get a piece, and could care less about the customers.
Place too busy for me.
Sure had a lot of dancers. Service was a little slow.
very corrupt dishonest girls they steal are drug users and don’t shower very nasty. especially ivy. blonde bartender chnges prices whenever she wants place is total shithole girls are uneducated dumb as a box of rocks yellow teeth are common as well as bad body odor probably from crack use
I don’t think anybody from the club monitors these posts. They would probably laugh at this disturbed individual that has the time to make these strange posts. They are usally made from somebody at another club that is having a hard time.
A lot of dancers.
come support methhead ivy who steals wallets and money for her retarded kids and her meth habit. watch this fat ass whore in action as she waddels around this shithole stealing from patrons. this beer beliied pig is funny to watch as she wears a jersey to tight it exposes her fucking belly. just say suey and all the whore here come running. honestly do not go here this place is corrupt and need to be closed.
Best run club in area.
Love the stage shows.
I took that little bastard, Jeremy A Brown for everything he had. I also got him a dui for being such an asshole. I will kick his ass if I ever see him again. He is such a bipolar puke. Most of the time he isn’t on his medicine.
Elliots rocks.
Anyone know if Melissa is still there?
CC Rocks!!
Place has too many specials! Confusing!
overpriced drinks and nasty pigs this place sucks ass like ivy does. flat chested bimbos and fat ugly skanks this is no place to go if you want good looking dancers. dancers like ivy steal money from wallets and the staff doesnt care and staff is rude. bartender nickels and dimes customers. dancers are crackwhores that smell nasty and have stds. they are all ugly fucking pigs and thats being nice. watch out for ivy she has crabs and herpes and she steals. you cant miss her big fat ass waddeling around the club in that baseball jersey with her stomach hanging out. and cindy with her crack pipe in her pocket. bottom line this place is for white trash losers and scumbags. also DAVE DANIELS IS GAY.
Haven’t been in too many clubs, but this one is by far the best.
y5fHJW I am so grateful for your blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Great.
Had a great time talking to Valli.
Elliotts is a lot nicer.
I always had a good time here.
me so sick!
come in and see the famous std girls, drug using wallet stealing herpes infected flat chested lard ass dancers. club crap is what this is not worth going to nasty ass whore like ivy and cindy stealing money from patrons and the club does nothing about it but get you a dui. ivy harasses customers with her fat ass and wonders why nobody likes her. dancers lack hygene yellow teeth and nasty asses you can see the funk floating around them. ivy is a lying fat fucking whore who sleeps with every guy in town and gives good head just like her mom. cindy too. all the whores here give head for only 5 cents. ivys kids are retarded from her crack use she has jerrys kids
Lot of new dancers.
Elliotts rocks yeh.
ClubCabaret.com All information.
By far the best gentlemens club I have ever been to! Great lay out, great options, great service and great entertainers!
come on down tonight and get two stds for the price of one see ivy the fat ass wanna be red head wearing the baseball jersey. wanna get ripped off this is the place. nothing but nasty ass skanks and drug using whores here. need a drug see the dancer they have crack, pot, coke, meth name it they have it see any dancer in here. ivy and cindy are thieves who steal wallets and mony and the rudes ass staff lets them. want a dui this is your place theyll make sure you get one. like white trash people and circus freak dancers that either have no breasts or are so fat they cannot use the pole (ivy). ivy is a fat fucking whore that thinks people like her but doessnt realize the other skanks there dont. she steals money from customers then tells lies about them to get them in trouble. ivy i hope your faggot kids get sick. speaking of faggots dave daniels of capri st pekin il is one. leah is a whore that waitresses there. this place sucks ass and supports drug use and theft in there. the dancers are all std infested ugly ass wwhores that need to, learn how to shower.
Real nice club!
Pleace is cool and I am having my guy post.
Chew Viagra.
Lame, seriously.
One of the top five clubs in the state
this is the real jeremy brown ,i dont know the one these kids are talikn about but any way i am the one who got the dui and trash talked this club for some months now. i am writing to apologize to everyone involved because i let one dancer and alcohol get to my head. this is an excellent club i have nothing against it or the people in it, i was angry because a former dancer there was saying lyes about me to get me banned. i spent alot of money there and no regrets about it it was never about the money it was about that person saying crap to get me banned in there. i apologize to this club and the owner for saying untruthful immature crap about the club and the people that work there this is the best club in the area and definatly best dancers . cindy i apologize for making false statements about you too theres nothing bad about you whatsoever. again i am sorry for the false statements about the club and its personel. if anyone there ever sees me you have my permission and definately understsnd if you hit me i do deserve it.
i feel so bad that i just lay here and cry. i just cry all day.
Jeremy A. Brown (jab33) Pekin 346-7803
Whats with this nile lady posting?
Club needs more girls.
We are short on girls only because they are sick from the eating here, they should be back soon.
be a no talent pussy who talks shit over internet. have fat asses and no chest. steal and rip customers off at the bar blonde bartender. fire dancer because someone talks shit about her. fat asses and flat chests and uneducated whores at this club. fucking cowards here they talk shit then dont back it up. psycho bartender who follows people arond pekin because they called her out on her dishonesty at the bar. all you need to work here is no education a fat ass stds and flat chests. nasty ass bimbo whores that look like circus freaks place is a psycho breeding ground also trash talking pussies who have no guts they only have balls when online fucking whores and pussies and thieves work here.
if you want good head from ugly nasty bitches this is your place just ask for ivy or cindy or lia daniels. all the dancers give head but thier all fucking nasty so use a condom or youll get std. ivy and cindy have gonorhea of the mouth as well as the other dancers and whatever other std they have. watch your wallet as they are known to dissappear in this place ivy is known to steal as well as cindy and the other dancers to support thier drug use. staff is very rude the bartender dollars and quarters so watch the prices every time you go to the bar the cunt will rob you blind. these women are pigs they actually think they’re good looking they use 20lbs of make up and take a 10 cent shower before coming to work .5 bimbos is all they are. shallow ass nasty ass theiving ass whores like all women its all about money look in the mirror try coming to work without your make up bitches see how god damned good looking you are then pigs. try taking a real shower too. close this drug and std infested shithole it does nothing but fuck people over and get them duis. and ivy you are one stank ass whore brush your teeth and take a shower you funky ass bitch and wash your snatch. do your kids steal like you they bring you to school for career day and say i wanna be a whore like my mom.
dancers wanted fat asses welcome, trannies welcome and flat chested crackwhore welcome. however if you are good looking and have good hygene dont bother club cabaret is for freaks only. bartender needed dont bother if your honest we need dishonest personel who will nickel and dime patrons. bouncers needed need to be able to talk shit online and not back it up like the current bouncers. dancer applicants are advised not to shower for three days before interview this will give us an idea of your funk. customers needed here must be drug using pole smoking freaks just like the employees. need drugs see any current dancers here meet in smoke room and do your deal. see cindy for crack and meth.
only lowlife and idiots go to this club because thats what works here. dumb nasty ass ugly wallet stealing bimbos who use drugs while working there. ivy steals wallets and smokes crack while the rest of the whores do every drud know to man. this place is a total shithole and needs to be closed. full of low life pices of shit like ivy and cindy and the rest of the skanks not even good looking at all look like a bunch of used and abused broads willing to do anything for a buck. this place needs to be torn down and turned into a parking lot nothing but corrupt assholes here. fucking ugly ass whores that steal from patrons for drug use. take a fucking shower bitches you fucking smell ivy get those cum stains off your mouth. you and cindy give great head but your diseased.close this fucking shithole quit screwing customers. fucking rip off do not go here only lowlife scumbags go here. ivy give it up your fucking fat and ugly oh also dave daniels is queer
Its better than it was when I moved out west. Many needed Improvements. Many hot dancers.
Buy viagra
i am a pig a dirty fat pig like my fat drunken mother i guess being a whore runs in thefamily, my daughter will be a whore just like me. she wants to work at the pig farm aka club cabaret. with all those std infested herpes spreading bimbos. ain nothing like stealing wallets with the dancers at club cabaret where drugs and theft are encouraged. jb 33 i am so sorry i screwed you i am a fat lying whore that souldnt have listened to cindy or any of the staff to rip you off. they encouraged me to send you off drunk that night you got a dui for that i am sorry. cind told me to steal the 300 dollars from your wallet so we could get crack. the dancers were feening for it.
Last comment written by same ip address as jb33. Fucker is bipolar. Trying to be somebody else.
Good food.
IVY’S CRAB SHACK get a dnace from the girls and you’ll see why
had a good time
Had a lot of fun.
Why is somebody putting that advertising in the posting?
place sucks girls are nasty and they steal from customers some even use drugs in smoke room
Need mo rapp.
Elliot Rocks.
girl are friendly to customer but seem to fight with each other over who spots a guy to dance for first. Get rid of the childhood drama from girls and be ok
Cheap viagra
your a fat cow just like your white trash friends at club cabaret. i cant believe peoplre support this scumbag and the shithole he runs. theft constantly by the scumbag dancers this place has brought white trash to central illinois. they got me a dui and bragged about it here. nice people huh. drugs being done and dealt by the hooker dancers. bartenders robbing patrons by changing prices, i had money stolen by ivy and staff didnt care. real honest place. so all you white trash morons that support this shithole you deserve what you get. you are all fucking criminals for supporting a place that allows stealing and forces people to drive drunk. i wish i could slap every whore in there for being drug dealing/using whores. i will if i ever see one of these nasty asses or should i say smell them. fucking pathetic sorry ass excuses for dancers ugly as fuck and no talent whatsoever except for the talent of stealing from people. ivy you are still a pig just like every fat ass whore in that glorified crackhouse. everyone who supports that place supports crime. fucking white trash all around in there from the staff to the patrons your ALL WHITE TRASH. fucking drug using std infected hookers club cabaret says there dancers but we all know there hookers. fucking women belong in the home cooking and cleaning not out whoring. i believe in womens movement frome the stove to the vaccumn. close this nasty ass corrupt fucking place get rid of the trailer trash that works there and supports this fucking meeting place for lowlife pieces of shit.
place is a magnet for scumbags since it employs them. drug using and dealing dancers that have every std known to man. manager bribes the bbb to cover this shitholes ass.white trash and scumbags hang out here. as well as druggies who hook up with the dancers for their drug needs. place needs to be bulldozed and turned into a parking lot its a fucking shithole. nasty ass drug using std infested dancers as well as whores
Okay, maybe I do have a computer but I don’t know how to turn it on, so you are an idiot!
club is classy most the girls are great i love this place great atmosphere
fag named jeremy brown is a theif stole 300 bucks from me and staff didnt care.. doesnt suprise me after all thieves come here also and gutless homos. fucking bottom of the barrel scumbags use to come here druggies thieves and std infected bimbos. only no class lowlifes here shut this shithole down or strighten up the corruption here scumbags.
written by jeremy a brown (jab33) bipolar moron
Buy Viagra.
Love the VIP cards.
We all had fun.
Got my car washed.
Elliott rocks.
Anybody in the state could apply for a tobacco license. Criteria is that it is a seperate business (seperate room in the case of CC & Al’s) with 80% of sales coming from tobacco. 1/2 the bars in Illinois have set up like this.
me too!
Real nice club!
Spent most of my money and fell in love.
Lot of fun.
all the other clubs have 9 or 10 comments and this one has over 200, so what the fuck are you talking about??? Cliff
Elliots rocks.
Written by: Jeremy A Brown (jab33) 346-7803, 2224 Brookdale ln, Pekin
place fucking sucks dancers are all white trash bimbos with no chests. ivy steals from patrons wallets and staff doesnt care. trailer trash dancers with every std you can imagine. ugly nasy ass broads that thinkl they actually lookm good. fucking smelly ass whores that never shower or wash theitr nasty cunts out. uneducated whores that abuse drugs on premises. 2009 mustang tgivveaway was bought with drug money. from the bitches that steal from customers . (ivy,cindy) two crackwhores that work the club for money.they give excellent blowjobs though. fucking dumbass fat fucking whores are what you get here ask any one of them what 2+2 is see what they say. ivy smells like the sweat from a bulls ass probaly because she fucked one. wan6t drugs or a cheap easy bimbo this is the place want a respectable club with GOOD LOOKING DANCERS. then go elsewhere.
dancers are fucking pigs here they smell like them and look like them. hiv and stds are included in this dream package of nasty ass women. not to mention the drugs used by these so called dancers. this place sucks and is for white trash scumbags and losers. ivy is the queen pig in this place leading the way in theft of wallets and money along with cindy and her crackpipe. if you like herpes and gonareaha ivy is your girl. just look for the fat ass redhead with the baseball jersey thats about three sizes too small and a gut like a fat slob and she smellls like a buffalos ass.
Too many promotional dances. I come in to get dances not a freaking t-shirt!!! Unless you are getting them drunk the girls on both day and night shift don’t want anything to do with you.
Really liked this club. Relaxed atmosphere.
Seems like a nice club with a lot of things going on. The tobacco shop is super.
We love working here.
Rate 8
Lot of fun.
Had a great time in the VIP room.
Had a good time.
Are there pictures of dancers on the website?
Milly is excellent lap dancer. she made our nite superb.
Had a wonderful time.
david daniels is a faggot he calls cops after he talks shit to people because hes scared. no talent at this club just plain nasty girls with no tits but fat asses and big egos they i wouldnt pay 1 cent to watch them dance pathetic losers are all they are nasty ass hoes who dont know what a shower is and wonder why nobody wants a dance from them
Liked a few of the day shift girls. Friendly staff.
No, I wouldn’t try to do what they do. I just want someplace fun to throw my pocket change. I had a specific request, that’s all.
Another stupid retorical statement written by Jeremy A. Brown (jab33) 2224 Brookdale Ln., Pekin, 346-7803.
Love it
std whores lia daniels all the same dave threatens people then calls the cops on them real man huh fuck this shithole fatass nasty whores who dont shower by the way i never got thrown out banned from here dont do me any favors sluts
you nasty ass broads arent appropriate why don’t you all shave lose some weight and wash your nasty asses and stop stealing from customers you dumb fucking cum guzzling whores
club is a dive…and has poor taste in class
Had a great time.
Merry Christmas
Good food, good service.
drug using yeast infected std infected dancers who steal from patrons is what you get here. rude staff and overpriced drinks also. fucking place sucks ass ugly dancers with white trash written all over them and smell like ass 24/7. nothing good about this place nothing but scumbags and losers here. ivy is a fat fucking skank who stole 300$ from me and club did nothing about it. she as well as the rest of the dancers are a bunch of crack smoking whores that smell and look like pigs. would love to see a raid on this place it would be shut down in a heartbeat. fucking crackwhores all around here. ugly nasty skank whores uneducated flat chested bimbos. this is definately a place for faggots and cocksuckers like dave daniels .
This place sucks, too many dancers.
We have to rite something.
Really enjoyed the dances.
shit happens!
We had a great time. Thanks.
You described the daytime scene perfectly. The evening shift has more girls but the ratio of beauties to beasts is about the same as day shift. (and the drink service is often worse at night).
was written by: Jeremy A. Brown (jab33) 2224 Brookdale Ln, Pekin, 346-7803.
hey ivy can you and cindy come back over and give me head again it was really good before i’ll pay you the same two cents just like all you 2 cent bimbos at that club i seen some where that that the girls there have gonarhea of the mouth what a suprise sorry honey thats why i wore the condom but any of you girls are welcome back your not good looking but you all give great head get back with me ok. and by the way women are pigs there the ones putting on 20lbs of make up andtrying to look goood if your so fucking good looking go to work without it on you wont because your all fucking pigs shallow ass pigs that care about money that proves my theory ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES THEY ALL TAKE SOME SORT OF PAYMENT FOR SEX WHICH MAKES THEM WHORES. so come on bitch bring you and your whore friends back over you all will make .50 each and thats being generous andps. wash your asses this time
Was there this past friday had a great time (but some kept stealing my shot glasses) droped about 300 bucks but ejoyed myself. The grils were great. Will have to go back with the ol’lady next time. Best club in the area hands down!!!
Good Food, no cover in ther afternoon, hot girls, and gash for cash.
Always have a good time.
Love the drink specials.
Its certainly not something that would *work* in Texas or a large city, but its not bad for Peoria and a good alternative to Creve Coeur. Don’t overpay the girls, itmakes them lose respect for you.
Jeremy A Brown (jab33) of Pekin has posted on the other clubs posts that he is crossdressing and getting in. I wonder what his parents think? He is definately bipolar! There is medicine for being bipolar, but he sure isn’t on it. He just graduated from high school in 2006 and his life is ruined already. Just got a dui. There is a real winner for you. It’s no wonder he was spooking the dancers.
please donate to ivys retarded kids fund because she smoked meth while pregnant now her kids are retarded. she needs our help for her kids and meth habit. dave daniels needs a bus ticket to san francisco wher he will join his gay friends. ivy is in need of a serious shower and liposuction you can donate here at the club or at any freedom or usco in the tri county area. she is a pig in need pleaes help her.
Get better dancers and lower drink prices.
Nice club. Lot’s of dancers
Good food.
Great party.
We do not post on other web sites.
The smoking room smells smoky.
Place looks great, can’t wait to see the new champaign room.
You need some better looking dancers!
yes hand jobs are nice and they dont cost anything extra like at other clubs just need to find the right girl but it take more then just one dance before you find your hand job if you only get one dance at a time ever your never find it .
dancer named ivy is a theif stole 300 bucks from me and staff didnt care.. doesnt suprise me after all thieves work here also and gutless pussies. fucking bottom of the barrel scumbags work here druggies thieves and std infected bimbos. only no class lowlifes here shut this shithole down or strighten up the corruption here scumbags.
nasty ass theiven whores trailer trash ivy stealing wallets you all need to take your std medication you nasty ass broads very shitty club girls are repulsive facial hair shit stains and open vagina sores are included here ivy is a dumb fucking cunt who is full of herself and if you smell her shit also. she is white trash at its worst along with all these nasty whores all look like lifetime crackheads as well as used and abused women saggy tits and fat asses here a breeding ground for white trash and druggies oh and dave daniels is queer
To the moron posting the fake comments on your board and ours….we have a free internet comuter at our club for all to use and a lot of dancers with free time. We will copy everything you write on our boards back to yours. If it doesn’t stop now…we will write everything in triplicate on yours!
come to Eiiiott’s
Had a good time.
Elliotts rocks.
Had a lot of fun.
Must have been a lot of dancers at Denny’s.
Good times.
Felt right at home!
dont go here nothing but white trash works here and thieves. alot of nickel and diming goes on at the bar so along with dancers stealing from you the bartender is in on it also. girls are nothing but trailer trash here small tits and big egos. nothing but a bunch of nasty ass losers work here very rude staff diseased dancers and drug using dancers. ivy is the fattest whore there who goes right after your wallet literally she tried to steal mine shes a whore and a thief like the rest of them at this corrupt place probably like her fat drunk mamma too
This place needs more girls of color
Go Elliotts
Good food!1!!
Place sucks!!!!
whoever fucking followed my ass is a fucking coward. i thought i made my peace however some pig whore decided to follow my ass thorough town wed. you gotta problem bitches then bring it you nasty ass drug abusing std infected pig whores with fucked up retarded ass faggot kids.half of you need breast implants and the other half need jenny craig. stop ripping customers off you blonde bimbo bartender.
Jeremy A. Brown of Pekin speaks the truth, but the club still won’t let him come in.
Was in last night, had a great time. Food is great. Spent all my money and I guess that is good.
terrrrible place that loves to give itself rave reviews as you can read below! grow up!
I was in Peoria a few weeks ago and had a great time with Mirage. Does she still work here and if so, what days? I’d hate to drive a couple of hours and not see her. Thanks for any information.
a semi-classy place that won’t try to squeeze me for money without giving me anything in return. I don’t want some shithole with a donkey show (I’m booked anyway–you’ll have to get a real donkey), and I don’t want assholes charging me table rent. I just want hot chicks and nice lap dances and I want to feel that I’ve wasted my hard-earned money wisely, that I’ll have a few nice moments to think about in my declining years. Period.
Real nice club!
Always treated like a king there.
How did you guys get a tobacco shop in your building? Looks like you are way ahead of your competition.
Good looking redhead.
Came down from Chicago to visit an old friend and he suggested a visit to Club Cabaret. I was suprised at what a good time we had. The girls were not pushy and overall very friendly. There was one girl named Charity that doesn’t normally work Friday nights who was very nice to look at as well as fun to talk to. Thank you and I look forward to my next visit to Peoria!
What are they building on this place now?
keep using my name yopu cock sucking faggots ill beat you gay asses any day you fucking queers. this plavce does suck but there are some pansy asses that wanna use my name because they are fucking pussies and afriad they will get their gay asses kicked. so all you fat ass whores at this club get some tits and lose siome weight and whoever is impersonating me you and your drunk momma need to get a lifr you cocksucking queer. and your fucking sister was good last night to bitches. hop[e your dead grandmothers dont cry over it faggots wanna fight see me tomorrow in pekin you gaty asss fucking cowards fucking lowlife faggot asss kids.
We Rock!
We had a great time and will be back.
I had a horrible experience tonight with CASHMERE. She LITERALLY hounded me ever 10 to 15 seconds to “go to the gas station and get $100”. I refused at least 8 times and finally got up in the MIDDLE OF A PRIVATE DANCE and left the club in frustration. I have NEVER in all the years I have visited clubs left one in ANGER! Needless to say I will not be returning and I suggest no one else visit this place.
By: Jeremy A. Brown, 2224 Brookdale Ln, Pekin, IL, 346-7803. (jab33)
This is one sick bipolar person. Dancer broke his heart and charged him money. Boo Hoo.
Stopped by this club the other day. It had been several years since my last visit to C.C. This is really a gentalmens club and not a strip club. Nice set up, they offer other services like hair cuts, car wash, Limo Rides Ect. Nice club not nasty or grimie like other clubs
Great bartenders.
I very nice club. The dancers and staff were very friendly. However, they run promotions every hour. This means no stages running about 20-25 minutes out of every hour.
piss poor club dancers are nasty and plain disgusting, staff is rude and dishonest drinks are overpriced and food terrible. yeast infected, bloated, uneducated , drug abusing bimbos here. half of them look like circus monkeys and the other half fat as hell. theft is a key role in this club dancers stealing wallets or money from them (ivy). this place is the appittumy of all lowlifes and scumbags on this planet this is the armpit of central illinois worst club ever. not one of the dancers looks decent unless you like buck tooth and white trash crack whore women that smell like they havent showered in a year.(ivy)(cindy). dont bring these whores flowers bring them a bar of soap and some tooth paste. god know how their kids are living like. if you like smelly nasty bitches that look like circus freaks this is your place. ivy go fuck your self you fucking fat disgusting wallet stealing pig. of course all the dancers here are pigs cahnge the name to porky’s.
Need more black dancers.
I really enjoy everything at Elliotts.
nothing but a shithole full of std infested whores who use drugs and steal from customers. patetic ass club no good looking dancers at all just fucking ugly ass hell whores. no courtesy whatsoever towards customers staff is totally rude. bartenders change prices every five minutes. fucking nasty ass uneducated whores if you want to be respected and treated fair and see real women go to any other club in the area at least they are honest and drug free
Really love this place.
Real nice place.
There is a computer in our club and the dancers use it.
Elliottts rocks
dude you are on crack did you hook up with one of the whores here. syberia is better than club cabaret. your justanother dumb fuck getting taken by this shithole and the whores in it.but club cabaret is now offering crab cakes right from every dancer the crabs are fresh. this is the worst fucking shithole in the country more goddamn diseases floating around in here than the aids clinic. enough drugs in here to make robert downey jr jealous. stank ass whores that cant dance worth a shit and either fat fucks or flatchested like cindy. blonde bartender keeps on ripping people off at the bar. you a fucking moron if you think this place is great keep doing drugs with all them bimbos there at least the other clubs in peoira are honest and clean.
ivy is a pig a fat lying pig just like all the whores here they lie they steal great values for a business. you all smell you all are dopeheads you all steal from customers and you all are diseased, skanky ass nasty broads who look like third world prostitutes who will do anything for a buck i should know got head from most of you all for .50 cents a piece.ivy s kids are retarded from her smoking crack while pregnant her daughter wants to be a whore like her guess whoreing runs in the family ait that right you dumb fucking lard ass cunt. steal anymore wallets latley sur would like my 300 bucks back you stole bitch but your faggot ass club won’t do anything about that just get me a dui. this place monitors people ddrinking but lets them leave falling down drunk no questions asked but they have signs at the door bragging no duis when you come here. are they fucking hypocrytes or just a bunch of ass holes that will do anything for a buck. drug use is very common by the dancers usually out back in between dances ivy and cindy smoke crack with other dancers. dancers either have the chest of a twelve year old boy or flabby ass tits like ivy that prove there ragged ass whores that fuck anyone or anything. leah daniels give good head also. fucking ugly whores here go to als or elliots where the real women are not some flat chested skanks the use drugs and steal wallets right cindy.
Had a great time, appreciate the attention from the owner.
We had a great time.
This hot girl in a purple dress&Brandy…..GREAT to see her again!!!!!WOW!!!!!!!Who was the HOTTIE w/dark hair.I wish I had made it back in time!I had a great afternoon&they were gone when I returned.SCREW THE PARADICE!!!!!! If I ever leave these babes again I deserve to lose every cent I did.Thanks Club Cabaret for a reason to stop again!!!!
Club has very professional employees overall and it is a great place to relax in a safe place while eating lunch.
Now jab33 is going by dd. Same ip address. This bipolar boy ain’t too smart.
i am a weight watchers reject , my kids are bastards that dont know there daddy i got fired for being a whore. thats the only good thing club cabaret did. i steal wallets from customers im a fat disgusting pig like my mom and the other dancers at club cabaret. i am sorry to jab 33 for everything i did to him i lied about him because he did not give me money. i am a filthy whore like the other dancers there and my mom. but jb 33 does speak the truth about the club it is corrupt the bartender and bouncers told me to milk as much money out of him to give to them. i am sorry jb33 your a great person i would like to be friends again . and fuck club cabaret i am now working at a pig farm much like club cabaret.
com to elleotts
i’ve always enjoyed the CC. they have added new girls over the past year thats a big plus. i do miss Tommy. i heard he had some health problems.i’ll miss him there. i have to hand it to CC though, they got a new dj that brings new life into the club. Check this place out!!!!!!
No pole tax!!!!!
Fantasyland is better than Elliott’s
great time
love tall blonds with massive tits!
Love the place.
gutless pussies work here they dont have the balls to face me just like dave daniels they talk shit behind your back but when confronted they run. nasty dirty whores at this shithole ivy is a fat fucking skank with dumb fuck kids that she shit out and polluted this planet with. ivy drop dead and quit reproducing. and for all yopu faggots there why dont you grow some balls . fucking cowards and drug using wallet stealing whores
i am a dirty skank and am teaching my daughter to be the same way if any ones interested i do donkey shows just look for the ad in fat girls magazine. i am a fat pathetic nasty ass whore that uses people for money and abuses drugs. me and cindy smoked crack, heroine and did coke while at club cabaret thet dont care as long as we didnt get caught. they encourage us to steal from patrons as well as send them on their way when we get them drunk.
We was havin a fun time till the snow come in
New vip rooms are fantastic!
I see the guy from Elliotts or Fantasyland is writing reviews on this board.
jb33 is a sick bipolar individual. Nobody liked him when he came in here.
take a shower bitches you all fucking smell go home and cook and clean whores thats where you belong quit spreadin your stds around you ugly ass whores
Top club
Stages too dark, all three.
One of the whores touched me!!
don’t go here dirty as hell girls cant dance and are funky as fuck. big time rip off youll end up getting your wallet stolen byb drug using dancers. this place is white trash at its finest crabs herpes thesse bitches got it all
if anybody knows his real name, please post it. The other clubs want to be sure he isn’t allowed in. There is seriously something wrong with him. He is using several ip addresses.
elliotts rocks
Great place to work.
Great job with the Christmas toys. That is nice.
Too many managers.
I see the rating is still too high for this place. Used to be this was the best club in town.What happened? where have all the attractive,young women gone?CC used to get the Hottest Women in town!! Cali, Alexis, Porsha,Ivy, Paris, Nikki, Chelsea,Alyssa,Extasy,Where have you gone?
Now you have Plus Size Women and Skanks. I mean Brandi? Or Foxy? Raquel? Who hires these losers? They are definatly not fantasy material.
My favorite dancer is Monica. She is soo hot.
I was treated like a king.
Nice Bar!
No Pole TAX.
there is too much drama here for me.
what a suprise a dancers kids have stds especially ivys the dumb fucking cunt lets her kids get beat up at mcdonalds what a great mom. why dont you and the rest of your whore friends do what women are supposed to do and cook me dinner bitch
We are king.
The tabacco shop smells like smoke!
Had fun.
your parking lot sucks.
faggots and whores is what you find here. ivy is the biggest whore there just look at her bastard kids. the dancers suck there plain ugly and cant take a hint on taking a shower. biggest moochers in illinois they will steal if they have to to support their drug use. big egos and small tits is what these cunts are nothing nice about them. they all are diseased with herpes clap gonoreah ivy has all three.thes bitches hit the loser jackpot,ugly, stupid,diseased,fucking fat and no tits or skinny and no tits and look like fucking crackheads which they are they go out back and smoke it . place is a total piece of shit just like its employee. thes bitches are poster children on why you dont do drugs while pregnant. circus freaks thats ivys kids and family and the bitches here. white trash lowlife cocksucking scumbags all work here corrupt as hell i should report it to bbb but theyd look at the dancers and laugh and say i got my moneys worth at this circus
Great place to work.
whoever the fucker is that keeps following me an calling my house. i will kill you.
How pathetic, 18 out of the last 20 comments were all from the same person! Read some real comments and see some “real” girls at Al’s!
Sounds like Rikki on the suction. I always wondered!
Reviews saying too MANY girls? or too MUCH variety? are you serious? must be haters from other clubs or something!
The food is great.
Well, I hope you are happy. Dave took his life tonight. You must feel like a reala big man.
tonight only bring a dancer a bar of soap and get a free dance they definately need it. these nasty broads havent showered in months. please donate to cindys breast enhancement fund this broad needs some tits. fresh crabcakes fresh off the dancers every nite here. be prepared to be ripped off by bartenders though over charging beer. nothing good here unless you like dancers with facial hair and stds.
Had a great time last night. I sure hope I win the car you are raffeling off.
Club merchandise/dance specials have stopped. A change for the better, that was long overdue. There is a good variety of entertainers and good times to be had at this club.
Had a great time again.
Did this club buy Fantasyland?
Thumbs up
Great specials!!
place was really rockin last nite
She cocktails and dances.
whoever you are your a fucking cowared your whore momma must be proud her faggot son is a chicken shit who uses peoples names online but is too much of A COWARD to face me in person your a bitch like your momma and the whores at club cabaret. any you whores wanna quit that shithole you can work for me cooking and cleaning ill clean your skank asses up and pay your nastyasses 50cents an hour.come on thats fair your women thats what your supposed to do is cook and clean. back to the coward bring your bitch ass up and see me your a big man using my name online but a fucking pussy when confronted if this is who i think it is ill know how to find you and your ass is gonna pay if this is the coward i think it is. fuck club cabaret its a druggie hangout, dancers are ugly, fat, drug using/selling uneducated whores that stink up creve coure by polluting the air with there stank non washed asses everyday they work. i hope your fucking brain dead kids have enough sense to shower probably not considering the fact these whore did drugs while pregnant. club cabaret is a shithole should be closed because of the illegal activity going on inside there. theft, drugs, wallet stealing, dancers giving the illusion that they are actually women, white trash patrons, trailer trash staff, price gauging at tjhe bar, health hazzards in the kitchen, nasty ass food, thjis place is a scumbag magnet everyone that goes there is lowlife scumbags. ill kick anyones ass in that place your all cowards and lowlife scumbags that steal from people for a living i bet your fat drunken moms are proud of you all.
im not even from here. i last was in the area 7 years ago this place went down hill
Jeremy A Brown of Pekin, get on your medication. We are sick of hearing from you.
Love the food and drink promotions.
for a good blow job see ivy and cindy. the others give good head too but thes two are the champs. be sure to use protection from these diseased girls and hold onto your wallet ivy will try to steal it or one of the other dancers will. the’re not the best looking women but they make up for it by giving good head thank you ivy and cindy it was awsome and thanks to the other dancers also you girls rock your ugly but you all gave me great head.
tahts what the name here should be cause thats all you get are nasty ass crackwhores. pussy ass staff dancers have more facial hair than bigfoot has on its body. dancers have bad body odor bartender rips you off constantly and thered is a pussy ass faggot using my name onlin my guess he works there because everyone there is gay and are pussy ass mother fuckers who run when challenged. so i say again to the faggot using my name why dont you come see me you coward ass mother fucker look for a silver 07 mustang right off sterling ave ill be waiting but something tells me your bitch ass wont show because your a fucking coward asspussy just like your buddies at club cabaret. your a bitch just like the whores there you probably dony know what a shower is either something about that place why noone there is educated bunch of stank ass dumb fucking broads that beg for money or steal it like cindy does for her crack she needs to use that money for some tits. so come on you pussy your big enough to use someones name online why dont you face me you lowlife chicken shit tell your drunk momma your going out and come face me dont be a puss like your dad or the bouncers at club cabaret be a man. i bet all these peoples moms are proud my daughters a whore and steals money or my sons a bitch bouncer who talks shit but doesnt own up to it or my daughter is a bartender who rips customers off or my son owns a corrupt as hell club where theft and drugs are occuring there everynight in the smoke room. your mommas are proud you std infested stank ass ugly as hell uuneducated bimbos who need to take your semi yearly shower you nasty ass whores. i would touch any dancer there with a ten foot pole your bound to catch some disease club cabaret picks only sdt infested whores to dance there if you can call it dancing more like a fucking freak show. nasty nasty nasty ugly as fucking hell not one decent looking dancer must of combed the circus freaks for dancers faggot ass patrons who go there supporting this corrupt establishment i will do everything in my power to have this place investigated i know what goes on there i just need to point it out to the right people. this place needs to be shut down until a respectable owner can be found who will hire an honest staff and REAL DANCERS. and send the scumbags that work there now packing go back to the circus. so to evryone at club cabaret and the assholes who support it GO FUCK YOURSELVES I WILL HAVE THIS PLACE UNDER INVESTIGATION. I HOPE THE DANCERS KIDS GET THEIR MOMMAS STDS AND EVERY DANCER THERE GETS ARRESTED FOR THE DRUGS THEY ABUSE WHILE THERE AND AT HOME I CANNOT BELIEVE A COMMUNITY ALLOWS SUCH A PLACE LIKE THIS TO EXIST DRUGS AND THEFT BY EMPLOYEES IN THAT PLACE MOST HONEST OWNERS WOULD FIRE THOS PEOPLE ON THE SPOT HONEST BEING THE KEY WORD. SO ENJOY YOUR EVEINING FUCKHEADS I AM STARTING A PETITION TO HAVE THIS PLACE CLOSED.
close this shithole it sucks girls are thieves and smell like shit and they are drug addicts. ivy is the leader in white trash girls that stael wallets from customers and take their money fucking cunt do your kids steal like you your daughter will be a whore like you bitch probably stink like you too you non showering cunt. wash your ass shave your facial hair and do something bout those herpes. you bitches need to stick to what you do best cooking and cleaning but again whoreing comes from the family so keep on being like your drunkin fat ass mothers and whore some more dont like my opinion fuck you too fuckin bad close this corrupt place nothing but a bunch of thieves work in here blonde bartender complete cunt but who isnt there dave daniels is queer he goes there for the men. quit stealing wallets ivy and cindy why dont you all try getting real work but freaks cant i guess do the world a favor bitches dont reproduce
help stop the spread of stds by not going here. fight corruption in businesses by boycotting this corrupt busines. if you do go fight drug use by reporting dancers that use in the smoke room or out back. report dishonest bartenders that nickel and dime you. advise dancers that they need hygene oral and body odor. also advise dancers here they lack education. advise ivy and cindy to keep giving great head i cannot thank them enough for the head i got from them. ivy is mentally impaired just like her kids so dont be too hard on her cind on the other hand is a crackhead
That was written by Jeremy A. Brown of Pekin. (jab33) Sick little bastard.
Elliotts rocks.
Top club in the area
i’m glad to see the dancer violet is back she really does look good keep up the good work violet
need girls bad
Elliotts has the cheapest alcohol in town.
best club in central Illinois
We had so much fun.
Used the big vip room. Wow. I will be spending more time there. The smoking room is great.
great club im sorry for all the bullshit im a drunken loser who got burned by one greedy whore and took it out on the club. cindy and amy i am so sorry for trashing you your good people. missy i am sorry for disrespecting you i am a drunk and a loser who is a joke to everyone as well as no good. earl i am sorry for all the crap i did this is a greta club. tomorrow night i will do you all a great favor and leave work for a wooded area and rid the world of my presence. god bless everyone keep up the good work and be safe dont be a dumb ass like me and get a dui. jeremy b33
qualifications to work here be a whore have an std and lack of hygene and know how to get people duis
I agree.
Real nice club!
Real nice club!
Cheap Levitra
rude unprofessional staff forced me to get dui girls are drugged out and smell
$5 dollar b jobs from all whores in here tonight but beware stds prevail here use protection. dave daniels will be in mens room giving free b-jobs to any guy interested. come see your favorite dumb fucking yeast infected cum guzzling whores in action tonight but hold your nose they don’t shower so place is very stank you can smell the funk outside this shthole. ivy stole my wallet so she might get yours her and cindy work together to steal from customers.dave daniles is gay
You have too many dancers.
I had a great time.
this place is awful girls are std infested and thieves and just plain awful looking and some are on drugs i suspect most of all the entire staff iis very unpolite and corrupt its one big bad experience and you will get a dui if you go here dont let them fool you .
Too many dancers.
So muco fun.
gross bitches and snatches here dirty filthy drugged up whores who steal wallets . they give great head though but i wore a condom because most have herpes or other stds. ivy sucks a mean dick just like her mother. cindy is great too allthough she has no chest flat as a board. mostly pigs here fat pigs or just plain look like pigs and smell like them too. ivys nasty ass is so stank it will melt the paint off the walls her teeth are yellow as fuck but this is a white trash breeding ground. look at the skanks dancing here these dancers have more crabs than red lobster. dave daniels goes here to look for men. ivy is a dumb fucking tramp that has something actually bigger than her fat ass her ego, she thinks people like her. her moms a drunken whore , her kids are retarded from her drug use she probably dont know her dad thats why she calls every guy daddy she meets. shes a white trash nasty ass bloated skanks like every bitch here place supports thievery rudeness and nasty bitches with vanerial diseases.
Elliotts Rocks!!!
Too many promos
went in on a friday night and really no hot dancers, couldn’t believe it.
but went monday at noon and some of the dancers were smoking hot.
Outstanding club. Thanks!
Merry Christmas to everone.
i am sorry for all the lies i told about ivy. she broke my heart and i can’t get over her.
You have some pretty hot dancers there.
really intelligent statement by Jeremy A. Brown (jab33) of Pekin, Il. What a loser.
nothing but dumb ass bitches here you either get saggy tits or no tits at all dancers are nasty and distasteful. dancers are constantly high and try to steal from patrons ivy and cindy are the main two but others do as well. place wouldnt be bad if entire staff was fired and replaced with new courtious staff. dumb uneducated bitches here nothing good about them except they give good head got a blow job from ivy and cindy was awsome . bottom line dont go here unless you like getting ripped off its a total waste of time and money. girls need to wash their snatches and asses. ivy needs to do something about her tits shes ragged and looks like a 1.00 whore but then all these dancers do. all bunch of nasty ass skanks trying to earn drug money. lay off the crack ivy and take a shower you fucking pig. change the name here to porkys. see the dancers and know why. dumb fucking cunts too stupid to get a real job so they whore themselves. just dumb fucking women. wash your yeast infected herpes filled std spreading snatches you all smell like shit . try using tic tacs or brushing your teeth nasty ass wanna be hookers
I think he is posting two copies to make it twice as much work to erase or he is bipolar and doesn’t know what he is doing. I would go for the bipolar senerio.
We will be and you know how we like our girls.
Like the VIP room.
Think I am in love.
Best buy in town.
ClubCabaret.com for Jan news events and specials!!
This place has gone down the toilet. Used to be great 10 years ago. A bunch of 4’s and 5’s dancing. I can’t believe they still have a cover. I think the management must run off all the talent.
Too bad about this weather, will be in next week.
had a great time
Looking for 40 girls to assist in an invitation-only lock in to be held in Decatur on January 20th. It will be a male/female dancers birthday party for 4000 people. Expected attendance is 150 (60%queer, 40%liars). Rooms will be separated during showtimes and party will re-convene. Will pay some money for floorshows and dancers will keep 6% of all tips. House receives 100% of VIP room.
Interested? email Doc at drugsugarcube at aol.com
We will provide transportation/food for all drunk ladies
We will be again next week.
Nice place!
Congradulations on you marriage.
place sucks
Had a great time.
I’ve been sick too! Nacho’s did it to me!
lot of ‘mature’ dancers when I went on a ramdom Wedsneday. Still had fun though. Hope the younger dancers are out, next time I stop by.
Glad to see you open Friday. Lot of places closed.
This place gets it on We love going there.
Was in Saturday night, place was rockin. Had a great time.
We had a great time.
place is ran by whores faggots and cocksuckers as well as frequented by. dirty ass dancers are fucking ugly white trash . ivy is a pig cindy a crackhead. staff is gutless pussies. dancers steal from customers for drugs. this plac is as crooked as one can get. no fucking sense of decency whatsoever. stds and hiv are all aroynd un here by the skanks that roam the floors. ivys drunk mother wants her to be a whore like her so far so good. gutless faggot ass cocksuckers work in here.
We are sick and tired of you posting on all the boards in Peoria. Get on your medicine.
One of Al’s Gals.
I enjoyed the food and the dancers.
We came in there for the first time. We were treated with respect and when the dancers realized we were swingers, we had a great time. We appreciatred the respect and enjoyed the fun.
faggots , cocksuckeres, and flatchested bimbos that smell and steal from customers thts what you get here. a fat ass saggy tit bitch named ivy that does crack on her way there and while shes there walking around the club with her fat stomach hanging out of her too tight shirt her fat ass waddeling trying to score a customer. rude staff ripping people off constantly and nasty ass dancers spreading thier stds.
Good food. Thought some dancers needed a little spiffing up.
Great divorce party
Good food.
Come to Elliott’s
I am here!
faggots, crackheads , thieves and whores is what this place is.ivy is a skank with retarded kids who smell like her and the dancers here shit. drug use is evrywhere in this club with dancers stealing wallets. dave daniels of capri st pekin is gay. his mom sucked my dick lasy night along with ivy and cindy. ugly ass nasty ass broads who use coke and heroine in the smoke room and then steal from customers. take a shower you nasty ass whores your all fucking ugly and should be arrested for theft.
see all these nasty ass whores and white trash from club cabaret next week on jerry springer. watch as the dancers talk about their sex changes and their stds. see cindy talk about her trailer park and her need for breasts. see the faggot bouncers talk about how they play grab ass with each other and the blonde bartender tells all about ripping customers off . see this three part special on jerry springer including the freaks that go there faggots, swingers, trannies and drug users. yes its true this club is out of the closet along with its patrons. fat ass std infected bimbos and freaks for customers this is a place full of winners let me tell you.
and yet still you keep coming back, what a waste all that time and yet still no personality
nice crowd Saturday afternoon.
Place well run and lots of help
Club runs well
Liked the food and drink specials.
Elliots Rocks!!!!!!Elliots
How about specials. Great!
Anyone interested in buying Fantssyland?
Cabaret rocks
We really had a good time.
Had a lot of fun.
Good lookin dancers.
I see that Kianna is back and does she look good!!!!
Elliott’s Rocks!!!!
This place would do more business without alcohol.
When did Raven get marries?
Felt like a morgue with a bunch of old guys jiggling change in their pockets! CREEPY PLACE!
We had a good time, but spent a lot of money.
this is the worst club ever to exist. the dancers not only are std and hiv infected but they abuse drugs here also. as well as sell them. staff very rude ivy stole 300 bucks and the staff just laughed. this place needs to be investigated for corruption and the dancers need facelifts and treated for stds. dancecers are aither fat like ivy or skinny flatchested crackheads like cindy. this place has no class whatsoever bartenders that change prices everytime you buy a drink staff that shits all over its customers and gets peopls duis. strippers that spread stds like halloween candy notto mention their body odor. place is nothing but gutless pussies faggots and crackwhores.
Too many dancers.
Good place.
(jab33) Pekin, 346-7803. I am so sorry for what I have written. My parents saw what i rit and they are mad at me. i am sorry i fell in love with ivy. i am so sorry i made sexul advances towards dave. i didn’t know he was straight. i appologize to lia for the things i have said. i am just so confused. i have run out of medicine for my bipolor problem. i just want to appologize to everybody.m i have started life with a dui. i am just so ashamed of myself.
Looks like he’s back…
come to elliotts for a good time.
wish I STILL owned this club
I came in there tonight Im here on bussniess and let me tell you. Where should I start the girls….Om my god they were horrible and gross I didnt know if I was in a strip club or a kentucky bar! Secondly mangment? It was like a bunch of kids running the place. I ordered some food it wasnt that bad. Its bad when the food in a strip club is better then the dancers. Any ways I left there and sadly to say I wont come back next time Im in town. Ill check out the other places. Just a hint I read alot of the comments on this page. It sounds like you have alot of imuture kids that work here. You own employees and customers give your place a bad name! It was like little kid land with bad attitudes. Lastly I think this place is a joke.
Had a great time.
piss poor club dancers are nasty and plain disgusting, staff is rude and dishonest drinks are overpriced and food terrible. yeast infected, bloated, uneducated , drug abusing bimbos here. half of them look like circus monkeys and the other half fat as hell. theft is a key role in this club dancers stealing wallets or money from them (ivy). this place is the appittumy of all lowlifes and scumbags on this planet this is the armpit of central illinois worst club ever. not one of the dancers looks decent unless you like buck tooth and white trash crack whore women that smell like they havent showered in a year.(ivy)(cindy). dont bring these whores flowers bring them a bar of soap and some tooth paste. god know how their kids are living like. if you like smelly nasty bitches that look like circus freaks this is your place. ivy go fuck your self you fucking fat disgusting wallet stealing pig. of course all the dancers here are pigs cahnge the name to porky’s.
Love the food.
Real nice club!
Always have a great time visiting this club! Not a fan of purchasing dancers license prior to working there, but that is the city not the club. Staff is excellent, House fee’s are VERY HIGH and Not enough incentives to put long hours in during the week when slow. The FOOD is Amazing for the price. Not a fan of the promotions EVERY hour, maybe slow that to every 2 hours. Thanks, Earl, James, Nick and some of the Fantastic bartenders there:) Like I said ALWAYS fun to visit!!
I have always had a good time at this club.
Had a good time.
A lot of dancers.
Here is where we have a good time. Lets rock and roll.
piece of shit club nothing but rude staff and thieves work here. ivy is a fat ass wallet stealing whore that smokes crack along with the other whores here. dave daniels of pekin is queer. leah daniels is a cum guzzling whore. this place is full of hiv infected dancers with all kinds of stds. nasty ass bitches that look like theyve been run ragged by every swinging cock in central illinois. nothing but whtie trash losers and scumbabgs go here.dancers use drugs every hour in this joint and smell like shit . uneducated flat chested bimbos and their kids are stupid too. dave daniels abuses his kids. ivy is the biggest cock whore i ever met and her daughter will be a whore just like her. her son wil be gay like dave daniels of pekin. ivy and cindy are lesbian lovers who lead customers on then steal their wallets. for their crack use. close this fucking corrupt hell hole and do the area a favor and gewt rid of these diseased whores and lowlife cocksucking faggots that frequent here or work here.
Food prices great, Food very good, service a little slow and girls were average and a little on the older side, but overall I give it an 8!
Great place to party.
omg i saw that renee is back tall skinny and sexy i know only temperalily but best dancer ive ever had
Elliot rocks
overpriced drinks and nasty pigs this place sucks ass like ivy does. flat chested bimbos and fat ugly skanks this is no place to go if you want good looking dancers. dancers like ivy steal money from wallets and the staff doesnt care and staff is rude. bartender nickels and dimes customers. dancers are crackwhores that smell nasty and have stds. they are all ugly fucking pigs and thats being nice. watch out for ivy she has crabs and herpes and she steals. you cant miss her big fat ass waddeling around the club in that baseball jersey with her stomach hanging out. and cindy with her crack pipe in her pocket. bottom line this place is for white trash losers and scumbags. also DAVE DANIELS IS GAY.
Nice Place
Real nice place.
y don’t u guys rate yourselves like elliotts does? Could have a 10.
I think you were in another club somehwere else.
Real nice club!
dont go here nothing but white trash works here and thieves. alot of nickel and diming goes on at the bar so along with dancers stealing from you the bartender is in on it also. girls are nothing but trailer trash here small tits and big egos. nothing but a bunch of nasty ass losers work here very rude staff diseased dancers and drug using dancers. ivy is the fattest whore there who goes right after your wallet literally she tried to steal mine shes a whore and a thief like the rest of them at this corrupt place probably like her fat drunk mamma too
More rapp.
I was in there last week and there were 36 dancers and only about 50 customers. That is too many dancers.
club sucks they just proved how corrupt they are by bribing the better business bureau to cover their ass. lying about how they treat customers about how dancers steal from customers and do drugs in the smoke room. nothing but white trash goes there to get robbed bt nasty ass white trash std infested broads that look like jerry springer women how have been around the block a few thousand times. im writing every newspaper and every site about how this club bribed the bbb to cover their ass.
dave daniels go back to culb deisel where you belong faggot this club sucks ass and the girls are all nasty thieves
Great promotions.
Lets Rock, this place is great.
Elliott’s rocks.
place sucks its a fucking joke. nasty dancers and rude staff and food sucks. dancers on drugs and steal from patrons bartender nickels and dimes patrons nothing but lowliffe cocksuckers here. ivy is a fat pig who has retarded kids . dave daniels is queer. no talent in this place unless you consider being fat and ugly and on drugs talent. ivy the methhead and cindy the crackhead are the two you have to really watch out for they fucking steal every chance they get.
Place sucks bad.
Just not the same as it used to be. No value for your buck.
I don’t care about .99 cent fish. I want to see good lookin girls with decent attitudes. Not some washed up 40 something old hag, or some 40 something waitress with no future. How about some sizzlin 20 year olds with smokin bods?
Wish the place was closer to Chicago.
The club&dancers(hookers) are old,outdated, brokedown&need to
call it quits! I mean shouldn’t Holly&Brandy be in a nursing home!?
Love those promotions.
Good crowd last night.
great club
i have been thrown out of better clubs than this one.
Gooing to make this our home court.
piece of shit club nothing but rude staff and thieves work here. ivy is a fat ass wallet stealing whore that smokes crack along with the other whores here. dave daniels of pekin is queer. leah daniels is a cum guzzling whore. this place is full of hiv infected dancers with all kinds of stds. nasty ass bitches that look like theyve been run ragged by every swinging cock in central illinois. nothing but whtie trash losers and scumbabgs go here.dancers use drugs every hour in this joint and smell like shit . uneducated flat chested bimbos and their kids are stupid too. dave daniels abuses his kids. ivy is the biggest cock whore i ever met and her daughter will be a whore just like her. her son wil be gay like dave daniels of pekin. ivy and cindy are lesbian lovers who lead customers on then steal their wallets. for their crack use. close this fucking corrupt hell hole and do the area a favor and gewt rid of these diseased whores and lowlife cocksucking faggots that frequent here or work here.
come on down tonight and get two stds for the price of one see ivy the fat ass wanna be red head wearing the baseball jersey. wanna get ripped off this is the place. nothing but nasty ass skanks and drug using whores here. need a drug see the dancer they have crack, pot, coke, meth name it they have it see any dancer in here. ivy and cindy are thieves who steal wallets and mony and the rudes ass staff lets them. want a dui this is your place theyll make sure you get one. like white trash people and circus freak dancers that either have no breasts or are so fat they cannot use the pole (ivy). ivy is a fat fucking whore that thinks people like her but doessnt realize the other skanks there dont. she steals money from customers then tells lies about them to get them in trouble. ivy i hope your faggot kids get sick. speaking of faggots dave daniels of capri st pekin il is one. leah is a whore that waitresses there. this place sucks ass and supports drug use and theft in there. the dancers are all std infested ugly ass wwhores that need to, learn how to shower.
I heard this place bought Elliotts. Nobody can make it there. You will be sorry.
Place was packed. Great specials.
can anyone say club stupidwhore
don’t worry, only one vote per IP address counts, they can write all the bogus reviews they want
club sucks girls have staches and fat and ugly ivy jb33 is right ivy is a nasty whore and the staff is very rude wont be back i suggets nobody goes here
We had so much fun.
New carpet looks great. Club seems to be running well. Was very comfortable in there.
love to smoke here, great idea
Come on guys get posting>
What happens if Fantasyland opens up again?
nothing butv trailer trash here girls are thieves drug using twats who have no respect for themselves or others this plce needs to be condemed and the girls sanitized and not be allowed to reproduce we got enough snot nosed bastard kids out there we dont need anymore from you nasty whores try showering and shaving your facial hair bitches and ivy lose about 100 lbs then youll be just ugly oh and dave daniels is queer
Written by: jab33 Jeremy Brown
drug using yeast infected std infected dancers who steal from patrons is what you get here. rude staff and overpriced drinks also. fucking place sucks ass ugly dancers with white trash written all over them and smell like ass 24/7. nothing good about this place nothing but scumbags and losers here. ivy is a fat fucking skank who stole 300$ from me and club did nothing about it. she as well as the rest of the dancers are a bunch of crack smoking whores that smell and look like pigs. would love to see a raid on this place it would be shut down in a heartbeat. fucking crackwhores all around here. ugly nasty skank whores uneducated flat chested bimbos. this is definately a place for faggots and cocksuckers like dave daniels .
i am starting petitions to close this place and will have them avabile where i work everyone who signs it gets a free wash. thanks to billie i think thats her stage name for posing at my wash and breaking equip and lying to my face she was very rude and quite a bitch. just like the rest of the whores there. this place is a shithole i will notify the health department to see what they find in the kitchen just like the dancers its proabily unsanitary. so all yopu white trash faggots that support this shithole your days are numbered. all you nasty filthy whores you will be unemployed soon so go fuck yourself earl and all you faggots and dirty whores you want a war you got one bitches
Had a great time at the New Years party
Who cares if you write or not, you are weird.
Great time. several girls to choose from. All eager to please.
great dancer in my eyes is lacey
come on down tonight and get two stds for the price of one see ivy the fat ass wanna be red head wearing the baseball jersey. wanna get ripped off this is the place. nothing but nasty ass skanks and drug using whores here. need a drug see the dancer they have crack, pot, coke, meth name it they have it see any dancer in here. ivy and cindy are thieves who steal wallets and mony and the rudes ass staff lets them. want a dui this is your place theyll make sure you get one. like white trash people and circus freak dancers that either have no breasts or are so fat they cannot use the pole (ivy). ivy is a fat fucking whore that thinks people like her but doessnt realize the other skanks there dont. she steals money from customers then tells lies about them to get them in trouble. ivy i hope your faggot kids get sick. speaking of faggots dave daniels of capri st pekin il is one. leah is a whore that waitresses there. this place sucks ass and supports drug use and theft in there. the dancers are all std infested ugly ass wwhores that need to, learn how to shower.
Worth the trip.
Have been vomiting every since I ate lunch here on Tuesday. Saw the health dept score in the paper today and now I know why!
Nice place
Feel safe there.
Vip room my favorite.
Good variety of girls, most with ink. Management low-key, yet doing their job. Girls were friendly and willing to sit and talk. We had a good time and will be back.
love the dancers
Good time.
You guys need a little adjustment!!!
Really liked the set up
Had a great time.
faggots , cocksuckeres, and flatchested bimbos that smell and steal from customers thts what you get here. a fat ass saggy tit bitch named ivy that does crack on her way there and while shes there walking around the club with her fat stomach hanging out of her too tight shirt her fat ass waddeling trying to score a customer. rude staff ripping people off constantly and nasty ass dancers spreading thier stds.
Mucho amor!
Too many dancers.
Real nice club!
Love those specials.
Food was great as usual!!
I am so ashamed of little Jeremy writing this horrible stuff on here. He has been sick for a long time. I think he is getting worse. Jeremy, you are sick.
Whatta dump!
Great place – love the specials.
SCL hase been under attack from the latest microsoft iis hole. we are currently patching the code. The list will bounce on and off line while we patch the code. some comments might get lost while we upgrade. more on the attack can be found here
to that new girl with the lips on her ass, thank you for making my night.
Why is Elliotts trashing on this site. I heard they are closing.
Thanks Pandora for the dance.
Hope you noticed I blocked most of your slams
What a nice place.
Merry Christman
This place rocks.
Great place to work.
We had a great time. Food was excellent. The remodeling looks good.
Great food.
Was a little slow, but had a great time.
do not go here unless you like being ripped off by crooked bartenders, nasty ass dancers that look like barnyard animals and smell like them too. if you want to catch an std or hiv from cindy or ivy.IVY do the world a favor and dont fucking reproduce you already have screwed up kids we dont need anymore of your idiot kind running the streets producing diseases. and lose some weight you fat fucking worthess smelly ass whore and the same goes for all the other animals there just cause you look like animals dont mean you all have to smell like them you yeast infected bloated ass skanky fucking nasty ass funky smelling whores.
A lot of dancers.
Too many dancers.
We were in this week and had a great time. Keep up the good work.
Great music.
Real nice club!
everyboody was nice i had fun i and will be back
It ain’t for sail.
Use to go to Al’s, but now this is the place.
Left all of our money there.
I like this club. The stage shows are good, except when they make you sit and wait while their specials run. Most of the girls do a good job of living up to the nudle club ideal. The private dances are ok. You expected to sit very rigid with your hands on the couch. Go for the stage show, not the dances.
Fun for all.
Overall not a very nice place. As in previous posts, maybe 1 or 2 decent girls, the rest were dirty looking, tattooed, old, or all of the above.
best club
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Had a great time.
Nothin but player haters and skanks. get rid of the trailor park trash. if i wanted to see a 40 year old broad dance i’d go downtown. I guess the fantasy is looking at skank and fantasising about good lookin ladies!
Were written by: Jeremy A. Brown (jab33) 2224 Brookdale Ln, Pekin, 346-7803. He is a disgusting little trirp. He is an admited bipolar that doesn’t dake his medicine. He has posted on all the other posts in the area. Feel free to geive him a call and discuss this anytime, day or night. SCL has felt ti would be better not to erase him comments. They felt they should stand so people can see what a sick individual this person is.
Place sucks.
Hunter is back
great place
Goot times Saturday!!!!
dancers are ugly but they give good head. ivy is living proof that fat girls give good head. want good head come to this place pick a whore any whore shell give you head here. they may smell and use drugs but they give great head thanks girls i guess needing drug money enhances cock sucking. i suggets using protection though because these are some nasty broads. thanks again ivy you gave me a great b-job would have been better if i didnt have to hold my nose from your funk.
Should hire younger girls
Too many dancers.
Too bad about the Bears, but thanks for the party.
Loved the dance with Cindy.
We love this club and we are posting.
had a great time that night..thank you to the one dancer
who made me happy to be alive
my kind of place!!!!
I saw Hunter the other night, when did she come back.
was a little quiet because of weather
This club runs lots of promotions and seems to put a lot of money back in the club.
There is no reason to post here if you are on of off your bipolar medicine. Your comments aren’t appreciated. We get tired of seeing the same old crap every day.
Overall not very good at all. Very little talent and the cuter girls either don’t have much upstairs or are trashy. there are two girls that have been in a playboy – but nothing ridiculous. Save your money or hit Al’s in paeoria
we had a blast friday night…..i hope you were okay with everything…..you weren’t smiling a whole lot???……thanks for being so nice though, we ALL enjoyed your company…..the jungle room is pretty cool, huh : )
Open 3 p.m. SuperBowl Sunday
Girls are trashy. If you get the opportunity get a dance from Lacey or Hunter. Billy is kinda cute but a lame dance and annoying voice. Any girl can be bought as well.
Let’s get this rating up since “you know who” isn’t posting on here 20 times a day any more!
Great food specials.
guess they employ pshyco bitches here thta chase people around pekin for no reason
Needs more dancers, only saw about 14-15 the other day on the day shift. Night shift is ok.
ok club, not what it was 5 years ago
lots of dancers, nice club. Don’t tell Hillary
Real nice club!
309-472-7713 this is billies number from the club she needs a man to get her off. real name missy. whoever has the balck gmc with shogrl on license plate your a whore too.
Friday day the girls were better than i have seen for awhile.They need to quit hiring the fat ones and get rid of the ones who are there and are fat.Please,its sick.
buy viagria
Great service
white trash dancers with stds/hiv all around. crackheads and methheads that steal wallets for drug money(ivy,cindy). morallly bankrupt staff that encorages these whores to steal as well as a blonde bartender that nickels and dimes customers.dancers are either fats ass pigs like ivy or flat chested bimbos like cindy.dont waste your time going here unless you like ugly white trash dancers and like getting ripped off. skankville usa here. fucking fat whore ivy steals wallets for her drugs and her fucked up kids.
Loved horsing around.
Real nice club!
Love the specials.
We are suppose to rite at least 3 negative comments daily.
Really like the new carpeting.
Great service, had a good time last night.
A motorcycle show on Sunday. Must be having hard times!
I am pretty sure the owners are not interested in Elliott’s.Must be someone else.
pretty good club, some girls not that good looking, others pretty good…food is great…stage shows are full nude with what you called split beaver….couch dances can be excellent costing $20…food is the best part
This is one of my favorite clubs when I’m in Illinois
Found Heaven.
Great haircut, thanks Rene.
We had such a good time last night.
I like the hair shop. Renee is great.
(jab33) girls don’t like me. i dont know what is wrong with me.
Elliott rock.
I guess Jeremy A Brown got tired writing on our site. What a worthless piece of work. I am not working anyway, so I don’t care.
Club has very professional employees overall and it is a great place to relax in a safe place while eating lunch. There were also a bunch of quality dancers.
Best in town
I love this club. Great looking dancers. My favorite place. I don’t know why jab33 writes and says he is me.
girls here need to learn what shower is
come in valentines day and get two stds for the price of one and overcharged everytime you go to the bar. see your favorite skank as she flops around like a retard on crack.smell the funk as you approach the club from outside thes girls don’t know how to shower. take ivy and cindy to the back and get head maybe they will do some lines. but be careful thievery runs wild here thes drug addicted dancers will stop at nothing to get your wallet and the staff doesnt care. watch out for faggots like dave daniels from pekin who come here for the men not the women.best bet go somewhere else to a real club where they respest their customers not shit all over them. ivy i hope you get over yourself cause you aint all you think you are and lose about 50lbs why your at it. as for every one else here go home have a beer relax take about 30 mins and GO FUCK YOURSELVES.
The managers suck,the girls are all or most on drugs or drunk.Lots of drugs being sold out of here by dancers and lots of hookers and not enough dancers.Clean it up or tell the owner to get his head out of his ass.
Raven got married today and celebrating at Tails & Tops.
Mandysmoon and montannalove are on imlive.com now i see. search for them by those nicknames.
Dont think mandy works there anymore but i think montanna still works at the club her pictures in her profile look horrible. Just wonder how many others work on that website on the side.
Good Time.
There is maybe 1 or 2 pretty or friendly girls. The rest have poor attitudes and want to sit with me and complain about the other girls or complain about how rent is due and they are broke. Looking for a hand-out. Since Troy left the place is going downhill fast.
Came down from Chicago to visit an old friend and he suggested a visit to Club Cabaret. I was suprised at what a good time we had. The girls were not pushy and overall very friendly. There was one girl named Charity that doesn’t normally work Friday nights who was very nice to look at as well as fun to talk to. Thank you and I look forward to my next visit to Peoria!
I love this club!
It seems like a nice club. We were treated well!
Too many dancers!
Real nice club!
Majority of girls are friendly & give great dances. Stay away from Foxy she’ll waste your $$ and time. Top girls include Billie, Heaven, Brie, Faith & Sapphrie.
I see some of the girls from Elliott’s are working there.
Darn snow. Had to leave early.
To whoever is posting about the “ghetto n big girls” you really need to get a life. There are great qualities that each girl there has. Who are you to judge anyway? You are probably someone who obviously has no life, and is insecure with yourself. As for Brandy, I love you and you look great and same for the other girls. I think its great we have a diverse pick of women. Mya, Tyra and all the others are beautiful also. Get a life!!! Lets see you do what they do!
I am out of my bipolor medication for awhile, so you will have to forgive me for the things that I am writing.
Al’s, Elliotts and Fantasyland are tired of hearing from you too. Sick little bipolar Jeremy A. Brown of Pekin.
The pharmacys must be going out of business, cause I see some people aren’t buying their medication.
Don’t worry abut jab33. He is bipolar and doesn’t know what he writes. I don’t believe he is even allowed in the club since he got a dui and stalked several of the dancers.
There is always some goofly person like him that doesn’thave a life. He already got a dui leaving Hardies.
Cried like a baby when stopped.
We all had fun
Stay home little boy.
Seems like a pretty nice club. Lot of things going on.
Really liked the club, but carpet worn.
this is the trashiest club i ever been too butt ugly women rude staff and price gauging beer. one dancer named ivy is fuckin fat and her tits are saggy as hell she looks like shes been around the block a few time as well as the rest of the dancers do also. nothing nice about this place total rip off and the dancers cant even dance. most of them are infested with some kind of std as well as using drugs. half of them are fat and disgusting and the other half look like lifelong crackheads they smell like it too. glorified hoookers is all they are. waitress are thievs also alot of nickel and diming goes on here especially at the bar. ivy steals wallets but probably most of the dancers do to support their drug use. dancers nne to get over themselves they are fucking ugly and disgusting get a checkup for your stds. filthy ass pigs thats what these so called women are ivy is a dumb fuckin worthless pig just like her kids. close this dump its a breeding ground for stds and crackheads
Enjoyed the pool game.
crackwhores ,stds, nasty girls who dont shower and ivys fat ass whos children ask her if thats daddy everytime she brings a guy home
Great promotions.
Nice club.
Too many dancers.
It seems that the dancers of old arent the same but this club has a lot of beautiful women
Great place to work.
overpriced drinks and nasty pigs this place sucks ass like ivy does. flat chested bimbos and fat ugly skanks this is no place to go if you want good looking dancers. dancers like ivy steal money from wallets and the staff doesnt care and staff is rude. bartender nickels and dimes customers. dancers are crackwhores that smell nasty and have stds. they are all ugly fucking pigs and thats being nice. watch out for ivy she has crabs and herpes and she steals. you cant miss her big fat ass waddeling around the club in that baseball jersey with her stomach hanging out. and cindy with her crack pipe in her pocket. bottom line this place is for white trash losers and scumbags. also DAVE DANIELS IS GAY.
Thanks for a great time.
i dont understand why i cant get a dance with these fucking whores.
would be a good club is it was run by better management staff.
Too many dancers working at one time which is good value to customer but the dancers still have to pay a high house fee just to work no matter how many girls show up. Club only cares if they make money and does nothing to take care of the dancers. Hence the reason dancers quit all the time. Charge too much for drinks and everyone has to sit thru the hourly promos that if a girl dances thru it she gets fined more money. Club should be about letting the dancers make money not about taking money from the dancers.
dirty nasty whores corrupt club price gauging dont go here
Who is your wife?
place is a white trash breeding ground girls are nasty ass broads with yellow teeth and nasty asses.go to als or elliots where the real women are
Well they are still doing the specials only they found a way to make it worse. Only three girls are available for it but they still stop the all the stage dances. The other girls are available at regular price during the special.
fucking corrupt dancers steal wallets, use drugs, bartender overcharges every time you go to the bar. girls have stds and some possably hiv (ivy and cindy). staff has no respect for customers. dave daniels is a faggot. lia daniels is a whore. well if you use drugs and need them this is your place talk to any dancer they can assist you. especially ivy or cindy. dave daniels is queer. nasty ass yeast infected bloated bitches here that actually believe they look good. i guess thats what crack does to your mind. bring in soap for these hooker wannabes so they can at least smell decent. this place needs to be closed for sanitary reasons as well as corruption. want a dui go here they will hook you up. rude disrespectful staff who lets dancers steal from customers. ivstole my wallet containing 300 bucks and staff did nothing about it. 12-30 girls here=60-100 stds or hiv.
Great place to work.
Elliotts rocks>>>>>>
I always have a great time here
Elliott’s rocks.
Too many dancers!
Elliotts will be the new leader in town when we get our liquor license.
i think the bouncers have bigger tits than the dancers here and the dancers have more facial hair than the bouncers. im stillw waiting for the pussy who keeps using my name to come forward illl be in pekin tomorrow why dont you be a man and show your faggot face so i can destroy it. bet your too much of a pussy just like the staff at this club. fucking coward ass mother fucker. any bitch out there im hungary i need one to cook some dinner you ugly ass whores have to be good for something so come cook me dinner you fat ugly ass whores. club fagaret shitty food and literally shitty dancers. where the dancers are more like men than the bouncers.
mother fucker who is impersinating me grow some balls your like the faggot bouncers at club cabaret you hvev no balls. im sick allrigh sick of corrupt clubs like this that support drug use in ther club and herpes infested dancers that even jerry springer wont have them on his show. you wanna impersonate me come meet me face to face faggot ill kick your faggot ass all over illinois. fuck you and the faggots who run this std house and the dumb fucks who continue to support this asshole who runs it. fucking ugly ass dancers faggot ass bouncers corrupt bartender and dumb fucking patrons. grow some t5its cindy you fucking crack whore i hope the police raid this place and shut it down when they find the drugs there. whoever the cocksucker using my name is i will find you and ill beat you too a bloody pulp . youll look like one of theses whores blood rags when im done with your ass. come find me asshole i work in peoria you got the balls come find me pussy. close that fucking std hoise down it sucks ass just like all its employees. fucking drug using herpes infested fat ass ugly ass dumb fucking bimbos. coward ass bouncers that talk shit behind peoples back but dont have no fucking balls to say shit to there faces pussy ass bitches. come find me mother fucker you wanna keep using my name come meet your maker pussy.
place is cool
The friendliest girls of the 4 clubs in the area by far!
Part One….Everyone has their own ideas of what a “Gentlemans Club” should be. Personally I have met many good, quality people dancing, waiting tables, massaging etc…It’s not rocket science, but how you treat people is generally reciprocated. I have been to renowned clubs all over the country & they all have their beauties and their beasts, but quality is subjective, to each his own. I have never been treated rudely at CC, but I also have never led a girl on with no intention spending money, never tried to stick my fingers where they obviously are not welcome or never tried to prove my manhood with obscene suggestions as to where I would like to cum.
this place rocks.. hottest girls in the area
What is going on at the club?At night it looks like a black night club and some of the day girls need to lose weight or get jobs where they are clothed.Ive never been so disappointed.GET RID OF THE FAT and the trash, it used to be a great place.(weight requirement)
Haven’t been in town for awhile. Nice remodeling. Place looks clean. A lot of new dancers.
$5 dollar b jobs from all whores in here tonight but beware stds prevail here use protection. dave daniels will be in mens room giving free b-jobs to any guy interested. come see your favorite dumb fucking yeast infected cum guzzling whores in action tonight but hold your nose they don’t shower so place is very stank you can smell the funk outside this shthole. ivy stole my wallet so she might get yours her and cindy work together to steal from customers.dave daniles is gay
Place sucks.
just what i thought talk big impesonating people but too much of a coward when confronted. just show what kind of people work here.
how can a club have too many dancers thats bs bro’s put your big girl panties on & deal with it
neat place
I go there twice a week.
Ive been to 3 other places in Creve Coeur and this is the best.
Club was not to bad,Girls look average or better,but did not seem to connect with the crowd,There was Caroline I believe her name was,and she was Fantatstic!
I have been to many clubs and by far I still have had the best times at Kappa! Quality,price and overall at Kappa can not be compared to, so far.
Love the smoke shop. It is nice not to have to go outside in this cold to smoke.
Elliotts rocks!!!
love the drink specials
Real nice club!
We were smarter than the rest of you. We never even let him in the door at Elliotts. We told him we were closed and it was seven at night. He ain’t real smart.
The six of us had a great time. Thought the drink prices were a little high. We will be back next month.
Good people.
Should be open Sundays.
if people had any brains they would stay away from here. this place is more corrupt than al capone anyway the dancers are crakwhores and ugly ass fuck and carry every disease known to man. food sucks drinks overpriced and bartenders rip you off. staff is flat out rude and support the theft going on there. boycott this shithole anyone who supports it is supporting theft and other corrupt acts. nast ass fucking whores with fat asses and saggy tits or skinny crackwhores like cindy with no tits. fucking circus freaks at this place and people being robbed and not even knowing it. fuck this white trash shithole and anyone who supports it.
place is fucking pathetic. hey ivy could quit dancing and become a bouncer shes fucking fat enough. this place is like studio 54 full of faggots, freaks and drugs. and ugly ass wanna be dancers with hiv/stds. quit the crack cindy and get som breast implants. ivy quit the meth and lose some fucking weight you fat fucking skank. losere and gutless pussies work here. dave daniels is queer. fucking white trash dancers all around with herpes and cameltoe. close this corrupt shithole and go fuck your selves pussy ass mother fuckers.your all like dave daniels talk big shit over phone but run away when confromted. nasty ass cum guzzling whores and pussy ass faggots work here
this place isnt even worthy of a rating its ran by lowlife scumbags and it employs diseased crackheads and methheads. bartenders that make up prices all night long and strippers that steal money from patrons. fat pigs like ivy that steal money then buy meth in the smoke room and cindy who smokes crack back there. other whores there have stds and hiv this place is nothing less than a circus freak show. ivy take your retarded dumb fuck kids and move the hell out of illinois you thieveing whore. take your fat drunken whore of a mother too.
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