7259 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46226
39.8294659, -86.040542
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
10am – 7pm
10am – 7pm
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We are in town for the Final Four. Went to the club after our win for a few cold ones and some lap dances. Lots of good looking girls but none would do lap dances ? The girls said they were available for outside the club but never do lap dances ? What ? Never heard of such a thing ?
love it been here for almost 5 years worked at a few other places but i stay at babes cause i love the people that work there.
I stopped by the other night. It used to be alot of fun but now the girls look like they couldn’t get work anyplace else. Waste your money if ya want but I will not be back!!!!!!
is right down the street and a much better club.
Shoot the girls, and lock the doors.
They need some new girls.
I enjoy this club most visits
Unlike dirk and his pirates, this place is a GIANT waste of time. I suffered thru two drinks, hour of songs, just so I made sure I did not miss a hot dancer. I had money in my pocket and it went home with me. Babes, You used to be a hot club, no more!! Get rid of the ghetto atmoshpere building there.
Cheap to get in. That’s the only good thing about it.
cheap drinks, cheap dances, nice girls, been back a few times on travels back to indianapolis…
Great girls lots of personality if you get the right girl.
yes there are some of us you wont let you eat us out for $40 but then again its what happens when your on drugs I think that by far sunday is the best day and a laid back atmosphere. I love Babes even tho I am not in favor of some of my co-workers not that it matters.. Great music hot chic ass n tits and a laid back atmosphere what more can you ask for?
They should change the name to ‘Animal Farm.’
Dances are excellent, staff is inviting and friendly….dont mind the aging door guy his bark is well, just a bark….. worth a 2nd look.
Damn dancers are bigger than me……and I AM big.
Bar is a trash pit, and so are the pigs they have dancing
Drugged out dancers
It may be dark, but there are some pretty girls in there, yes there are some that should NOT be in there, but on the weekends there’s a couple girls you can’t take your eyes off of…. I’ve never seen someone do so well on that pole… (brooke) she can spin around that thing so well.
Used to be a great place. Evil man at the door hasn’t died yet. He’s like John McCain old! Missy-Shelby and Doug. Kelly (manager) used to hire any trashy girls but they got rid of him. Now it’s quick turnover, girls with cellulite on their fat jiggly bottoms. Brooke kicks butt on the pole like nobody’s business. Bookie still stops by for a visit-good to see her. We miss Colette and Brittany……The one blonde DJ who keeps screwing all the dancers plays love music, Marie is bartending now, good job! every now and then you don’t have to listen to RAP or R&B when the right DJ is in the house. The Lurch guy behind the bar makes pretty good drinks-better on the weekends.
We just hired two new girls that dances in Kokomo at Hip Hugger before it closed last week. Nice girls
A lot of the girls that worked at Hig Hugger before it closed are now at Babes.
not a good club at all
Kind of a dunp!
i love the place
Finally, Cole is back. She goes by Montana now. You can not miis her with her tasteful tattoos, and I usually think tattoos are nasty, and her awesome wigs. She is a great entertainer and you can talk to her for more than five minutes and not want to shoot yourself in the head, more than I can say for anyone else that works there. If you go there, hopefully you will see her. She does not seem to work all the time.
What a joke!! This place sucks Soooooo Bad. Where are the real Mens clubs in This town??
I got to eat out one of the dancers in the back for $40.00
not to shabby
and Tiffany both worked at the Hip Hugger before it closed. Sorry Charlie.
The holding company that owns Club Sexy Mujeres (some Mexican Billionaire) just purchased Babes East & West.
I have had more dirty fun with more delectable Babes East girls than with any other group. Good taste is the best description. Some of them are swindlers in real life, but most are just fun pirates.
is now closed. Sad to hear that as it was in business a long time. Some of the girls that use to dance at Hip Hugger are now with Babaes East.
I went to this club and the girls are skanks!!! I saw a girl let
a guy lick her pussy during a dance! They got a new
manager who.does nothing but party with his friends and
when not drinking spends the other half of the time in the
dressing room. Appropriate?!?!? I think not!!!
spent a lot on couch dances but the girl didnt spend time to talk with me afterwards. she knewi was pretty much done for the night regarding couch dances but i think she still could have spent a little time. i felt disapointed when i left. club seemed dirty
Toothless, fat dancers:(:(:(
Ah, Babes. This used to be our spot back in the day, with Elvis the bouncer at the door, and the whistling bartender having our drinks ready (cranberry and vodka or Wet P***ys, so super sweet and good) along with singles for the spending. It’s old, the girls either are bored, high, or high and bored, and the DJ plays girls off the stage with TV theme songs. Many of my hard earned dollars have ended up on the stage and we’ve had some for real crazy things happen here, including a shooting (no lie, so don’t park close to the door). It’s good entertainment for reasonable prices, and everyone involved knows the deal. If you gotta see some nekkidness, you can certainly do worse (Wild Cheri, looking at you with your church pews in the VIP). The stars would be higher if the drinks were cheaper and the bathroom wasn’t a holy nightmare. And the ATM has an 8 dollar surcharge! (Insert your own joke here.)
Your kidding?
you know you are a stripper when……. You know all the words to “Girls, Girls, Girls.” You are out in public and someone shouts out your stage name and your respond not realizing it wasn’t meant for you. You get angry when you see lesbians walk into a club. After you’ve watched “Showgirls” for the 4th time, you say to yourself, “God, I really wanna move to Vegas!” You buy hand sanitizer and baby wipes in bulk and you don’t have any kids. You made $300 in a night and are complaining that it was a shitty night. Your boyfriend has to remind you to take a shower before work because the blacklights will illuminate the cum stain on your tummy. Even your own mother calls your tribal tattoo a ‘tramp stamp.’ You feel totally comfortable being naked with only shoes and a choker on, bent over with your legs spread and looking another female straight in the face and asking, “You can’t see my string can you?” You could fit a nights’ wardrobe in purple Crown Royal liquor bag. You’re on all fours, one can see ripples in the tit-job you got ten years ago. You have CDs you bring to the tanning salon. A pimple on your butt is more of a problem than one on your face. Your find yourself forced to dance to, “A Lap Dance Is So Much Better When The Stripper Is Crying,” because you didn’t tip the deejay. You see yourself in a mirror more than you see your own kid. You know that sanitizer & wipes along with your boob job is a tax write off. You get pregnant and try to migrate into waitress/bartending/house mom for supplemental income. Every pair of shoes you own has some sort of high heel. Trying to leave a couple hours early from work, it always seems some hospital has your cell phone on speed dial and your kid always has a 103-degree temperature. (There wouldn’t happen to be a customer in the parking lot, would there?) You go out with ‘regular’ friends and feel the need to censor yourself on the dance floor. A “car accident” is the reason your eye is black. Your pet has glitter in its fur. You can judge how much money your work day will wield just by pulling into the parking lot and noticing familiar cars. A guy tries the pickup line “Don’t I know you?” and you immediately think he must be a customer. Your cell phone address screen looks like this: Bambi (Jenny,) Aspen (Sharon,) Diamond (Debra) Raven (Melissa) Desire (Stephanie) Passion (Beth.) You know why baby oil is evil. You get dressed and undressed while not removing your shoes. You have to “think” when you introduce yourself. Sex kinda turns you off once you get home and sell it to the man you’re supposed to. You don’t own any porn, but you’ve met more porn stars than most people can imagine. You know why in the world a woman would possibly put hair spray over the latex on her nipples. You can pee, change shoes, change tops, smoke a cigarette and talk on your cell phone all at the same time. Breakfast takes place before you go to sleep. Asked the question, “Where have you been the last 2 weeks?” and the answer is, “My mom’s been sick and I was visiting,” (Code for, “I was recovering from an abortion.”) You can show up for work 10 min, 40 min, 2 hours, or 3 weeks late and still have a job. Going out clubbing with friends, you are the only one who doesn’t complain about the cover charge and drink prices. You think the house mom is your best friend. You gawk more at beautiful women than beautiful men. Your father unexpectedly walks into your work for the first time, sees you then family get-togethers thenceforth will never be the same. You’ve given more head on the way home rather than in a bed. It’s become almost expected that any Mexican behind you will try to stick his tongue in your ass. Your wardrobe has more street value than your vehicle.
to dark, i can understand it being dark in a club but this club is too dark, stage lay out not good. seating poor. thier area alot of girls and price of drink is good.