24500 Henry B Joy Boulevard, Mount Clemens, MI 48043
42.6094743, -82.8598383
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
10am – 7pm
10am – 7pm
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Really good place to hang out!
This place needs a serious overhaul…same girls & staff…same crappy service…same cracked out dancers. waitrisses arealways wasted. Bouncer could care less. managemnet needs to open there eyes!
Annie still is the best dancer out of all of them even Laura, Mike U should try Annie before U go and say that about anyone. That’s nice that u think that so it may be a good warming feeling for u but Annie can make u feel warmer and be in a hotter place.
I think this club is just fine. No,its not all decked out like Detroit,and no,there is no dj but, these are the reasons why its NOT so expensive! The bar is very laid back.There is alot of different girls to choose from. I liked it there and I would go back. If your a big shot and a show off than you may not care for the place but if your just a regular Joe than this place is just fine. As for girls getting fingered…I never tried or even saw it going on. I guess its all about who you get to dance for you and where the girls morals are!
Annie has nothing to do w/posting anything on here about herself she is a good person and you are a jerk for even thinking that she would go on this stupid sight and post stuff about herself she doesn’t have to she still is better then all of you other girls anyway. so think again about what you say.
The Light is a great place. I come here all time and have a good time every time I am in.
i thought the club was alright, only one dancer was friendly with me, but she was very sexy and gave a good dance. ill def be going back for her.
i think her name was sidney but maybe not lol.
i was your last dance and you danced both songs before the last.
this place is a JOKE the past few years & i KNOW this for a FACT! and to you big mouth dancers,GET A LIFE! Quit hatin’ on girls that do not work there anymore & talking badly about the ex dancers to the ex boyfriend!!!! Like any of u are any f*cking better! And YOU girls KNOW what im talking about! Stripping will ruin your life,i want to warn you.U will lie,use,cheat&steal to get your $. if you have nothing nice to say than dont say it at all! quit the damn gossiping. I HATE you girls..two faced bitches that exagerate anything & everything just to make a dollar or to make yourself look better than u actually ARE! so to whoever told my man BAD shit about me,KARMA WILL come back 2 you,i PROMISE! i learned the hard way.
Not a bad place at all.
Friday night had a crew of nice looking, natural girls. Got a coupe great dances. It is an old school roadhouse but that’s the charm.
I wish more woman came up to me but they are probbly to shy.I go on wed and only stay for about an hour I,ve been screwed out of 10.00 from shirly and she left me in the dark. I gave her ten on the stage and she said when she done she will give me a dance! Well I learned my lesson never pay until after she gives you the dance!
The dancers were rude. I was new coming in to the club and only one girl approached me (after I complained). I have a lot of money that I can dish out and not one was even remotely polite!!! Couldn’t get a drink unless I went up to the bar to get it myself. This place is a joke and the girls are very uneventful!!!
unless you overcharge for dances I’ve gone in there and have had girls overcharge for dances. Plus some guys would pay alittle more for alittle bit of conversation.
What do you know she may be 42 but she is a damn good dancer and has a body that won’t quit she still looks younger then the young ones and she still can out dance anyone in there, and who are you a customer or dancer to be saying anything bad about her, she has a warm heart and is beautiful inside as well as out, she would never say anything bad about anyone but you would. So keep your opinions to yourself cause noone on here wants to hear your bad advise about any girl in there and I don’t know about the ones on days cause I only come in on nights to see Laura, Ann, Candice, Jan, And now there is another Ann that works there so which one are you speaking of cause the one that is in her 40’s she isn’t bad looking and has a heart of gold, I’m not sure about the other one, but Ann is a good person and anyone who knows her knows what kind of person she is.
The club is not bad at all…. always heard things about this place, that it was a hole in the wall, the girls were nasty and that it just was a dirty place. The building may be a hole in the wall, but the girls were pretty good. I think I would come back to this place anytime. I had a great time when I was in here.
Hi Laura, You are the most beautiful person that I’ve met in sometime, there is something very special about you. You will always be able to take me to my happy place! Mike
You shouldn’t be disappointed, unless your regular club requires a classy dress code. Middle class club for a middle class wage earner. I love attractive women, and the Traffic Light does not let me down. If you can’t find a quality girl here, your expectations of dancers/entertainment is probably beyond what metro Detroit can offer.
Great Place. I’ll be back!
I made s full blog about The Traffic light at http://www.naturalreply.com
It was to lengthy to post here. I say, great place. Definitely worth going. Great girls and service from the bar. Just wish I could have stayed in Michigan longer.
Ive seen much better personally. They have way to many issues between the girls though as you can tell just by reading the posts on this site. The bouncer is extremely day bouncer is extremely up-tight. They also cant seem to keep dancers either.
I like this place, the girls are great, days shift there is April,Susie,Sara,Tiffany, and on nights, it’s Ann, Laura,Candice,Jan,Ann,Jenni,Jenny,Roxy,AnnieChrist,there are alot more girls on nights, then days, but the atmosphere is good and the girls are all nice. I’ll be back.
This bar and other bars need a union for the dancers, they need hourly pay, and health insurance, atleast 8.00 an hour, and work mens comp. Being a dancer is a health risk w/the shoes they were and the poles and the economy the way it is they need better benefits, if they had incentives the girls would be there on time and would not have a problem. UNION is the only option.
This club is great for the money.
Great place and I have fun every time I come in. Might not be the greatest looking club around… but it works. I would recommend this place to anyone.
the girls were wonderful!
this place is ok. Not the best looking building around on the inside and out, but they do what a strip club is supposed to do and thats provide entertainment. I think they do a good job. I have never tried the food here at lunch, but I always here that they have a great steak! at a cheap price.
does the day bartender go out with guys, id love to go out with that fox.does she have a boyfriend??hope not id love to pound that!! i love her mean attitude.
Ann is OLD . she is at my guess between 42-45. thats way to old to still be dancing . there are also a few other dancers that have had their time and should retire. Sue,Cathredra and April just to name a few come on ladies kick your habbits and make room for some new talent!!!
I love this place. The girls are great and if there willing to dance for another girl. Even better 🙂 No complaints!
I am there everyday, twice, and it is a REAL club. Girls are cool, staff is tight, dont wanna go anywhere else. Its like CHEERS with TITS
Visited for the first time a couple of days ago. Nice selection of dancers on day shift, no vip but $10 dances were good. Cool place considering its in Macomb county.
Great atmosphere
Great Place, Great Girls and Great prices.
what’s wrong, your favorite girl turn you down one too many times? if you can’t even spell simple words like “flea” and “whiskey” then you probably don’t make enough money to even come into a strip club. get a life, or better yet get a 5th grade education.
The outside of the building has to be fixed up. the place looks like a hell hole.
supergirl is hot!
the club is nice on the inside. i really like the flat screens and all that stuff. the drinks are good. the dancers look pretty nice for the most part, its typical in that area for most clubs. the only complaint i have about the club is when u tip a girl on the stage they just take the tip……….they dont shake anything in your face, or put their titties in your face or anything. i expect that from a strip club. other than that no other complaints, the lap dances are phenomonial. hope this help you fellas out.
Great Place
i am a go getter!
Great place to hang out and relax. Girls are very friendly, ranging from 7’s to 0ne 10 (she knows who she is lol )Servers are fast and courteous…my only request is for Jill( The waitress) to get that luscious butt on stage someday !!!!
Was here for the first time and loved it. Had a grat time… Girls were nice, cover was cheap, drinks were good and lap dances were only $10.00. I hear the place has a great lunch. I’ll have to come back and give it a try sometime.
Yes Ann is a very nice lady but she’s still in her 40’s. Sorry but I don’t want a dance from a woman older than me. But thats just my opinion.
3rd visit to the club, dancers stand around only seem to mingle with regulars. I was there over 2 hours only had on dancer approach me. Had two sit next to me at bar and did not say hello or nothing. I have been to many clubs this one has attractive women but they are not friendly at all.
Say what you guys want but Chris he would listen if you had something important to say, And because you think im talking about this bar im talking about all bars, and if they get together and put the hourly wage back to 8.50 an hour with group health ins. is that so bad.
The place is great. What else can you ask for? its got great girls and cheap prices…
this place f-ing rocks dude!!!
The building may not look its best and should have a VIP area for private dances. Other than that, everything else is this place is great. I have fun every time I come here. Many of the girls are really nice and some are not.. but you get that everywhere. Keep up the good work!
I love this place, its one of the few places you can go, get 10 dances, then tell the girl all you have is a $10 or $20, and as long as you don’t have an atm or credit card with you, they don’t do anything about it. Been doing this for a couple years now, just have to wait a couple months in between visits, maybe change my appearance slightly, like wearing a hat and growing my facial hair for a couple of days, and they never recognize me. Gotten hundreds $$$ in free dances. I LOVE this place!
I love this club!
Yeah this place has to change big time the girls are not that great and they steal from people more so the customers, and the wait staff is drunk most of the time and the management don’t do anything for the girls and its like they help guys rip off the girls. They said on the main page God owns this bar no he doesn’t cause God wouldn’t be caught dead or alive in a place like that. So there for the Devil owns it and always has.
My Favorite to go although the free pizza was better than the free cheese bread.
Fun Place, always have a great time when i am there. Just wish they would fix the place up a bit.
Great club with great atmosphere and staff….
The place could use a fixing up. The upholstery is bad in many places, but
the ladies are always friendly and many give great dances. I always have a
good time there and you can’t beat the price of the dances – $10!
I actually like this club.Great lunch,laid back and easy going. Yes,there is some not so pretty girls but there IS alot of good looking girls…beauty is in the eye of the beholder! And in regaurds to Jeffs comment about the owner being coked out & having a baby w/ a dancer…who the hell cares! It’s not YOUR business…do you go in the club to see naked girls or just go in to spread rumors? It really isn’t your business now is it,Jeff???
oh well,I like it here. Keep up the good work ladies!
Jeff (08/20)
The owner is always coked out and had a baby with one of the dancers and is hiding it from his wife. I wouldn’t go here if I were you
It’s a good club has a variety of girls, the tip out sucks, w/the way the economy is he should lower it and the carpeting still hasn’t got fixed. He collects tip out to help pay for that and still haven’t done it yet. And female customers say our bathroom is dirty and unsantitary. And that it is too cold in there on nights. Plus we heard he used to give hourly pay, its amazing that greed can make people misserable.
I had a great time here. But the owner needs to just fix this dump up a little. Not to much… if he don’t want to spend the money. some paint, carpet and some new seats would be a good start.
Great dances for the $10 price. Can’t find dances this good anywhere else for the money. Young, quality girls
I have been to most of the clubs around the metro Detroit area and this is by far the best.
this place is dirty and gross and needs remodeling badly. eew.
Been coming here for many years. Prices still very reasonable compared to other area clubs. It’s a no pressure bar, great place to relax and lots of beautiful ladies.
Good place for the price.
the place is great just i know more guyz need to come in
Not a bad place to hang out and enjoy some girls
had a great time. spent about 2 hrs here, had 10 dances, a few drinks, tipped the girls on stage, and only spent about $125. Good quality and excellent value. Went to more upscale club in Inkster: $10 cover, 3 drinks -$50, $6 parking, $25 dances. Cost me over $300 there and I wasn’t as happy as after leaving the light. Guess I paid for some fancy neon lts and smoke on stage. 1 trip to FC = 3 trips to TL, I’ll take the traffic light any day!!!!
My boyfriend and I were in last week. The club stinks. Most of the dancers are ugly. No DJ. No security for the girls. Overall a dump! I will never go back, unless I need a good laugh!
here on nights the only girls that are good are Candice,Jan,Ann,Laura. Annie Christ isn’t there anymore and niether is Roxy, and Jenni but we have alot of jenni’s there but the ones that are-are ok. Ann and Laura may be the oldest ones but they still are better then the ones there and thinner then most, but this bar does have a variety of girls and that is what makes a good bar, not all blondes that are diztie and dumb or fake and just cause the have implants don’t mean they are not real inside. so please don’t judge be nice.
The place is a dump and the Lap Dances are in the open. NOT PRIVATE Everybody watches you and the girl grind on your lap.
festering, flee bitten, long haired, three toed, wiskey snortin, crack smoking, out of shape, trailer goats..
did I mention they were nasty?
I lovethis club and it is the best one around
Stopped in on friday 2-22 in the afternoon. Not many customers, maybe 15-20 and 4 ladies dancing. This was only the 2 nd time I’ve been there that not a single dancer offered a dance. A couple of the veterans offered some friendly conversation, but like the younger girls, didn’t seem to be interested in anyone other than their “regulars”(unfortunately, I only get up to the “light” about once a yr anymore). I guess they didn’t need the cash. On the positive side, beer was on special during the day for $4! So, I saved a few hundred $$ on dances and a few on beer. A win for me, I guess. Pick up your game girls, ya missed out on making some great money off of me!
Not our fault the chicks are stupid & don’t know how to handle their business. The service needs to step it up.
This is a great bar Ann has been so good and respectfull and nice that she makes me want to go bqack for more.
I enjoy coming to the TL. The prices are great and many of the girls are great.
I know Darren loves this place. If its lunch time, he will be there rain or shine. I have to say myself that is a overall great place to sit and chill. No matter what time or day.
Ive been coming in this club for years and just saw Ann she seemed alittle upset, so went to this webpage and saw what someone wrote, Ann has no reason to boost or shamelessly post stuff about herself, she’s beautiful, has a great personallity, and thoughtful, she doesn’t need to be posting shameless stuff cause she isn’t shameless u are for saying she is. So say something else and we will see again who the shameless one is for shamelessly writing that.
Candice looks like a train wreak without all that makeup on.
I’ve been going there for a long time and the night shift is always cold atmosphere wise, and as far as the hourly pay he should give them pay for the days they are working but not for the days they weren’t suppose to work and show up anyway. And as far as the owner being coked up, he isn’t and he hardly drinks, for health reasons. So don’t slander the boss he’s a good man but his brother Mark was the best and noone owner can top that. As far as all the tv’s I hate them it takes away from the entertainment/what does he want a sports/topless bar how tacky. It is amazing what greed would do to people and bar owners think they have it made, it will all explode in their faces u watch. this owner will end up looseing it all if he isn’t careful.
This is really sad. Not only is there a lot of drama going on inside of the bar between the girls right now, but it’s going on in here too.
Seriously people… You’re obviously OVER the age of 21, and if there are girls in here talking shit… Same goes to you… You’re out of high school… If a guy comes in here and says something BAD about you, getting angry about it only makes you look 10 times worse. Name dropping and putting other people down is NOT making you look any better. IT’S CALLED A REVIEW!!!!!!!!! Thats exactly what they’re doing… Giving their opinion.
So what if they don’t like you. You have plenty of men who do. One person isn’t going to make you lose money just because of what he says.
I know the girls come in here and read this shit, get pissed, and respond PRETENDING to be a customer. Thats just stupid, and makes you look like you’re 16 years old.
So everyone just needs to GROW UP. I love all the girls… I love some more than others, but it’s love non the less. You guys are like my sisters, you look out for me and really show that you care almost all the time.
But you guys are getting on my nerves right now with all this bickering in and outside of work.
Worst strip club I’ve ever been to hands down. Ugly dancers, not fun, don’t
The place is great to work at. Come on in and check it out.
Worst club I’ve ever been to.
Most of the girls have ok bodys under the black light, but their faces are HIT! None of the night girls have any chest or booty except Trisha. She is the most beautiful girl there. VERY good dances for the money.
Great place to just chill and hang out at. Drinks, Dances, Food and cover are cheap and they don’t jump all over your nuts if you don’t buy a drink, like other places do.
Lap Dances are $15 now
I’ve done that too before its best if u stress to them that u don’t have much time and the 10 or whatever u give them is a tip not for dances, and it is wise not to tell them u have alot of money and that u want to give it to them, they’ll blow u off in an instant. It’s best if u really want them to come to u don’t flash ur money just give them a little more then a 10 tip and they’ll come to u no matter what. Cause after all is all about money. That’s the one thing men make the mistake on is telling them u have alot of money. Just play it cool and take what u can get even if its not the hottest one in there but the one who smiles and has more energy then the ones who do to many people at one time. Get the ones that don’t look too busy and you will get the dances u want.
This place use to be ok but now days its a fucking hole in the wall , if
your looking for a cheap Fuck the dark one will do it and if you
wanna rob the place the door guy will hand it right over,and bend
over for you at the same time , hopefully something will happen to
shut this fucking shithole down !!!!
There is ALWAYS a lot of drama going on inside of this bar, although theres a lot less than at other bars i’ve worked at, the girls are a lot less catty here. But when you have this many women in 1 place theres going to be drama. And the guys who post mean things on this board are usally losers who’ve either been screwed by a stripper, or rejected by a stripper, or thinks they “had something going” when really they were only a customer and so now they come on here and say mean things about ALL strippers, like we’re all trouble or we’re all drug addicts, or we’re all stupid or we’re all…fill in the blank. And as for the strippers who make themselves look bad by responding, who cares, it just makes the rest of us look better by comparison.
Great place. prices are great and the girls do just as good of a job here as they do at any other place.
Great blue collar club!
Not enof Dancers to go around, mosty because they tend to stick to the regulers that come in. They are worth the value of the money 10 bucks a dance and its about 5 mins per song.
I know people have their own opinion, as you do yours and thats fine but there are guys that would love to have dances from an older woman who knows what she is doing obviously you would rather have someone who doesn’t know a dang thing and is alot younger then you and that is fine too but don’t say that cause i say if you still have it go for it and the young girls they come and go so there is plenty of room for everyone, don’t you think. Or is that a problem for you too. But you didn’t need to blog on here about how old she is she has never kept a secret in the bar so why spill your mouth on here unless you are trying to make her feel bad about being 42 she is proud of her age cause she really doesn’t look 42 and beside that is just a number.
I stopped in to the Traffic Light on 03/08/10 it was a slow start but as the night went on the talent got better. no I didn’t have beer googles on. Miranda was very impressive on the pole and even better for the personal dances. Deena was great on stage but I didn’t get a chance for a dance and Nini was great on stage but a little rough and messy on the lap dance. I still enjoyed it all. Overall it was a good visit especially for early on a Tuesday night.
So Jimmy John you have nothing to say to the last comment, come dude you are the one all men look up to when it comes down to free dances!
There’s nothing wrong with her she just has a problem with men who wont be nice cause they too drunk and maybe she has a kid and no man and is doing this all on her own with no help from the ones who want to call her names and be mean to her, she is a very special person, doesn’t need your input on how you don’t like her personality, who cares she has every rite and the boss likes her personnality she has towards men who want to rip him off. SO BACK OFF THE BARTENDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Annie stop shamelessly posting about yourself.
Say what you want she is not a gay person she has kids, just like the others, shes just probably been hurt too many times by guys she gave up. noone person will get to know her because she maybe a little defensive toward men, but this bar won’t last thats why chris is hiring all these girls and no customers cause he got rid of the good ones, and he only have a few of them left.
This isn’t the best club in the area, but I would say it is the best value. Still $10 a dance, and you can get a better dance here than many other places that charge $20-$25 per.
Yes, Suzi is still here and still looking good. She has put on a few pounds over the years but it looks like most of it is in her boobs. In fact, there are a few other girls here who have good old fashioned natural big boobs. And these days, things have loosened up so you can actually fondle these boobs and suck on their nipples. I was last here on a weekday afternoon and got some great dances from Sarah and another girl whose name I cannot remember. Both had fantastic natural boobs and Sarah, especially, is beautiful.
shit hole
I like this club when the drama isn’t part of this web page. I like all the girls and they all work just as hard as anywhere else. I had dances from Ann and as far as I know shes the best damn dancer out of all of them now I know Laura and shes good too but I really like Ann shes better then Laura she should be getting paid more then her. And you people are so fooled by her that you give your money to a married woman who already has everything I would give her money but I would give most or all to Ann. She works harder then Laura and has more of a personality then her and better conversation too. And smiles alot never complains and never ask for much so I would give her money before I’d give it to Laura.
TL was a staple for me when i was at Selfridge years ago. I only get back to the area about once a yr, but always make time to stop by. It fits like a comfortable pair of jeans or a favorite shirt. Now, it may need a bit of updating such as new seating, but you’ll get the same ‘ol hometown hospitality from the staff and dancers as always. Drink and dance prices are reasonable enough that you can tip the ladies well. I hope to move back to Mich sometime in the future so that I can enjoy more times at the “Light”
Now the girls know who to look for someone that changes their appearance every month or so, that is so wrong those girls work really hard for the money and it is guys like you that try to rip us off by bragging about how stupid you really are. It was nice that you said nice things, but you are also a looser for thinking that now you can get away with it, you just gave yourself away so now the girls will know who you are. Maybe those girls deserved that but not all of them and it makes me sick to hear there are still guys like you that think you can rip food,clothing for their children and bills they have to pay for your cheap ass thrill. Proven fact, girls mature mentally faster then men, so go back to the stone age where you belong.
This establishment is and has been a staple in the community. You show me a place where you can get a giant new york strip with all the trimmings for 10 clams and ill go there too. I take my girlfriend there, hell i would take the whole family there if it was appropriate. I love this place with all my heart. Inside you may find the decor a little deshevled but it just adds to the character. If anything were to ever happen to this place i would become severely depressed. Long live the best and only titty bar in macomb county.
I like it here
this place sucks. whoever had this as a 6.8 rating is an absolute joke. no hospitality, dancers are fat and old, young girls are all junkies. dancers only mingle to regular customers, don’t do anything, drink all fucking day, lazy dances in private and on stage. do not recommend this shithole to anybody, don’t give them your money, need competiton badly in macomb county need more clubs to compete with them. Worst club I have ever been to!
Great girls, great place and good times.
great place with nice girls. Got two girls that look almost like twins. nikki and jess i think. Jess gets turned on if you talk about horses when shes giving you a dance. Its odd but gets you a few extra minutes. Guess shes into bestiality.
The owner may be screwed up but his dancers aren’t that bad. Some of them maybe not all there but he does have a select few that stand out more then others. I would still go back but for Ann.
Nice place
this club rocks…great food,great staff,great dancers,great prices,friendly people…no trouble…I LOVES it here!
the hottest girls in michigan dance here
So really does that stand for Junior Jackass, cause I know the girls know who you are and those ones were actually bitching about you in the dressing room so be prepared for a new day
i real like this club. the only thing i do not like is it too dark. can not see the step when walk in. too dark to see the girl s face on the stage.
It looks like its from the 70s and the bitches are ugly as hell. Ya u can finger a bitch for $10 but what diseases do you get?
no cover before 7:00; great $10 dances; free pizza; plenty of good looking girls; No complaints at all. Keep up the good work girls!!!!
it sucks
I can’t believe that bartender is STILL there! wonder what she’s doing to keep that job Hmmmmm
I may not know too much about running a bar but a business I do, I found that if your employees are happy you get better work from them with rules, you have no rules and someone should turn you in for sexual abuse, you may not do it now but you do have a door man who is more then willing to take your place in the place. So think again about what you are saying. What comes around goes around, and I would never refer my friends to go to this bar ever, you miss treat all your girls and you treat most of them like shit, you have no heart. It should of been you instead of Mark.
I Love this place. Its not to far from where I live, no parking fee, cheap cover, cheap drinks, cheap food, cheap dances and the girls do a great job! Just wish they had a VIP section.
This club is the best! The girls are friendly, and extremely hot.
Good place with good girls and good inexpensive dances. I’ve had many a good time here, sometimes the dancers don’t come around and bug you for a dance, but that can usually be solved by going up to them and asking for one. Oh yeah the bartender is great as long as your not an asshole.
Old fashioned club. Basics with fair to good women. Dances still only $10! Makes up for some shortfalls. Good blue collar club atmosphere.
All i got to say is overall great club no complaints at all.
The place is not that bad of a place. I would always hear bad things about this place… But I like it. Prices for everything are waaaaay cheaper than any other club and its the same things you are getting. I had a lot of fun and will be back!
HAHA yeah, that bartender is “special”. She doesn’t have a man cause she likes girls duh! Other that special girl, the place is as shitty as the rest.
clubs great! Great girls, great time
Fun place to hang out at. Cant go wrong with the prcies they charge.
At $10 a song you have to hustle your ass off to make any $ here, that’s why nobody asks how you’re doing. If you want conversation then go to a bar where the dances cost more so the girls have time to talk to you. You get what you pay for.
This bar sucks the owner don’t care about his girls and the ones that have been there the longest, he wants cheap girls that will fuck him and blow him, you don’t you loose. it’s very rare that no one creates a sexusal harrassment charge on him for hanging thier jobs over therir heads. Most owners do that and that is sexual abuse. What a way to run a adult entertainment bar huh.