8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
10am – 7pm
10am – 7pm
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Club is a bit of a dump – never seen porn on TV while girls are dancing. But
the hands on dances in VIp and the wild Champayne room make it a great
I think this is the best Club I have ever been to and I have been to a lot of ’em. Very nice girls and a great amount of bang for the buck.
I cant live without this place. I am there night and day. I am from Missouri but go there almost every night when i am working up there
The owner of this club is shallow and pedantic.
I have enjoyed myself every time.
Interesting concept. BYOB and food.
I was not impress with the club or most of the girls
Only good thing about this place is the sound. Agree about Char. Aspen is sort of cute but a bitch. TIME TO GET NEW GIRLS!
I agree. the owner is pushy and need new faces desperately
A really nice club with excellent dances, both private and in the Champaign room. Char was super, really classy, and most satisfying. Club is furnished very comfortably especially with the new chairs. An excellent value.
nxFSXD Appreciate you sharing, great post.Thanks Again. Much obliged.
Great club! Went there for the first time the other night. Will for sure go back. Aspen was the best. She gave the best private dance i have had in a long time.
Hoe house should have shut down long time ago
good hands on personal club
They call this a club o rite a theater LOL. Is this club for sale? If so i have a $100.00 that is if Aspen comes with the sale. If she is not part of the sale i could bump it up to $200.00 Need a place to store my livestock so Moooo over Terri
Rating slider won’t seem to slide for me.
It’s a little cheesy, but that’s part of its charm. It’s
cheaper than Playhouse and the girls are friendly. I’ve never
been screwed out of money there and it’s fun.
The owner of this club is shallow and pedantic.
Owner died today so probly wont b open any more
legend is my girl…she is the bomb…i could stare at her pussy and ass for days.
The quality of girls was better than ever Fri 8/25
Liars ! SOB on phone said $20 cover charge would get you a free lap dance,get there pay $20 cover charge,Scuzzball at window says you have to buy a $25 dance first,then you get a free lap dance after you paid.$20 cover even with a free lap Dance is way to Damn much for that place,the Girls were ok,they did there job,one ran back and fourth to me and other dude to get dollars repeatedly,I hate that Shit,one would let you have fun,the next one push me away,WTF? with that?,got ready to leave and they made me “contribute $1 for the Music” h’mmm any other club the music’s Free, Wonder if ya gotta pay them a buck if you fart? Terrible time,will never go back,should have took boys at the Firecracker stands advise and went to Bellevue !
Not private enough and girls were below par. at least this night below par.
I love any club/theater were I can slip 3 fingers in a girl & the door man signals for you to try putting 4.
I went on Monday. $20 to get in, 2 dancers, one “older” and the other was younger but injured.
My fifth visit and each time it gets better and better. Char and Nina are very entertaining. I look forward to a return visit next month.
Very friendly club had a nice time with the girls you get one free vip dance when you buy one for $25 and despite the rumors you can touch on stage and in the vip room a little slow during the week and busy on the weekends with more girls
Always have fun here but miss the old VIP rooms. Thanks to Char for great times. Also had a good time with Aspen, Nina, and Neavah. Food is fine at the Pizza Hut.
so what ever happened to aspen she was the bes thing this place ever had watching her dance was like a work of art she was so cool and just awesme to watch place has definatly not been the same since she has been gone n e one know where she might be dancing or what happeed to her. she was the BEST!!!!!
I would love a club like that too, Gatling, unfortunately Shotgun Genie’s isn’t it. It is true you have a lot of freedom especially in the vip and champagne rooms, how much depends on the girl, but getting your finger wet is totally off limits and you’ll be tossed out very roughly if the girl calls security. I voted a overall 8.8, it would have been a 10 if you hadn’t let Jenna get away.
Wasn’t what I thought it would be,gonna go baaaaaaack to my old girlfriend in the Baaaaaaaaaarn ! Sheep,Sheep,Sheep? where are you Girl? BAAAAAAH ! Ah there you are.
would go back but to far from CA Loved the un-rushed service
the first time i came it was funny, the 2nd time i came it was sad. the 65 year old dancer named shar is sad. and needas to get some respect 4 herself, and a new ass. some one should tell her she is making a fool of herself.!!!!!!!!!!
I always have a good time when I stop in. There are some decent looking girls, but some of them need to stop making disparaging comments about their peers..gets old real fast. Overall it is a laid back, friendly place. Be sure to ask Hannah and Aspen because they are the best ones there. Definitely worth the admission.
I went there and couldn’t believe all the bickering between the dancers and the DJ. The DJ seemed to be a real ass. I didn’t go there to listen to the dancers carry on a conversation with their friends and the DJ, but that is what they were doing. I even got to listen to one dancer on stage call out her order for dinner. The girls were OK. Most had flabby titties. Aspen had some nice tits, but I really didn’t need to listen to her bitch how she’s the adult of the group. Char was very friendly and gave plenty of one on one time if you tipped her, but she passed her prime about 20 years ago. And yes, the rumors are true…no more touching in the private dance area.
This is a raunchy club in the southwest corner of Iowa with the wildest atmosphere in a club I’ve ever been to, at least on weekends. During the week it can be dull, and the girls can always be hit or miss, but the hits are big hits.
Check this place out!
Knute (review below), if you’re saying what I think you’re saying, you should not be having sex with sheep. You could catch a disease, it’s dirty, and if you turn her over on her back you’re likely to get kicked in the nuts. A word to the wise should be sufficient.
I had a good time. The dancers are great looking, most of them anyway… one of them had an attitude, I didn’t catch her name but I’ll remember her if I go again, she won’t make any money off of me. My favorite was that little short blonde, very friendly. The music sucks but after a while you sort of don’t hear it any more.
Maybe I’m too sensitive about people who don’t keep their word. Here’s my review. It was Saturday night and I walked in about 9:00 with over three hundred, that’s what I was prepared to spend and I don’t mind going home with zero left. As usual, the girls would come over and talk, to see if I would spend some money on them. That’s why I came, of course, but I wanted to wait and see if any of my favorites was going to be working that night (Jenna or Ginger, if it matters). So when they’d ask if I wanted a private dance I’d say not now thanks, maybe later. Then they’d say they were going to mix with the other customers for a while, but they’d come back. Every one said she’d come back. About 11:00 Ginger still hadn’t shown up for work, and in the meantime I’d decided on either Brittiny or Sugar, and whichever one kept her word and came back first was going to make at least a hundred from me in the VIP, or up to three depending on how much I was enjoying the session. Both of them walked past me several times, I’d even make eye contact but they’d just go right on by. I think it’s astonishing, I’m sitting there with three hundred burning a hole in my pocket, and these chicks are ignoring me and doing dollar dances at the other tables. Remember, they both SAID they’d come back. Out of all the girls that talked to me that night, only one ever came back to check on me again (I’m keeping her name confidential). I didn’t take her to the back, because by then I was waiting for Sugar or Brittiny, so to end my story I left about 12:00 without spending any money, I even still had my get one free card which I tossed out the car window. Okay I’m a litterer, so sue me. I’m going to come here again next Saturday, to see the one who did come back, she’s going to make at least a couple hundred from me and she’ll never know she earned my business by simply keeping her word and coming back.
I’ve been to a lot of strip clubs and this one just absolutely sucked and the staff was rude. For those of you that like to frequent strip clubs, take the extra time to drive toward the Council Bluffs/Omaha area to find another club.