7682 Ohio River Boulevard, New Cumberland, WV 26047
40.5161165, -80.6176382
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
10am – 7pm
10am – 7pm
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it was the best 18th birthday presant ever
Slow on the night I was there but still much better than the competition next door. Line up was so-so however I did have plenty of fun in the private rooms. As Arnold would say, “I’ll Be Back”
A real DUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prof. X is a fucking fag! Isn’t it great how other clubs get on here and write shit about the hottest club right now? maybe if they put a little more time and effort in running Christies as they do talking trash, their place would be a little more busier. Keep up the good work douchebags! LOL
does anyone know is Kelsey or Mya still working in the area?
I love you guys! Had fun! And think i was gonna go home after i left the other place next door! Glad I stopped!
Me and my niggas love dis place!
A real trip to the bottom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Need to get that fuck hot ass chick to come over from next door! Put her in your club and Hell Ya!
This club has been on the cusp of greatness recently, but hasn’t been able to sustain any momentum. Best group of dancers on Rt. 2, though.
This place ROCKS! Much better than Rumorz!
this club rocks
the club next door reeeaaalllyy sucks. this place is not much better.
Ya….Need something new Like that chick from next door they tried to make manager/Dancer and she left loved that bitches hair! She was HOTT AS FUCK!
Make sure to see the scum covered hot tub, its a real West Virginia treat.
Great entertainment, girls, and atmosphere. friendly staff. Incredibly beautiful dancers.
I would rather be called a Ho working at Fantasy’s than a Poor Whore….Working at Christie’s!
Geno is a fag……………..
This place stinks!!!!!!!!!
kicks next doors ass!!!
A real waste of time!!!!!!!!!!!
Need to get some newer girls but had fun at your place.
more money at your place! that other shits a broke joke!
Should be renamed “The Dive”.
Amy is the best!!!
Cristy’s where is that one? You mean Christie’s and you don’t want to go to that place either! I was going to the other place to see the girl who was probally the hottest chick yet to be dancing its got to be the one some of you are talking about you find her in another club post it!Now i’m coming to Fantasy’s when I’m in town!
great place and great prices but girls take too much off way to fast.
A real dive!!!!!!!!!!
I love this place! I wish I could work here rather than next door. Unfortunately I stuck being one of Flo’s Ho’s!
Nice club. Not too pushy on the drink hustle. Some good looking women. This place has improved a lot
WOW!! Thats all I gotta say about this club get a jacuzzi room they are woth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It sucks here!!!!!!!!
The best club around is Fantasys! Hell Ya!
3 words about this place. Sucks, Sucks, Sucks.
A shithole run by a stinking runt
Looks like the city dump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eli I would spend my last buck in you’r club after seeing that mess next to you!
Ya what the fuck up with that? slow it down a little. and who the hells the Hott chick on here from next door? All I saw was a black chick and some dude looking lady?
great prices and nice girls not bad. Girls do take clothes off way too soon but other than that i had a good time.
sure beats the hell outta christies.
A real stink hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here a pig…There a pig….Everywhere a pig..pig…
Geno… you are a fag.
Great time here always! Obviously the previous post was from a Roooomers girl. Stay on your own site page honey!!
Fantasy Island Dude ! Ya got to get something fresh and new but what the hell better than the millon dallor ho house we all know!
Great time, great place!
Great time to be had here! Great variety of dancers, something for everyone!
A real piece of shit.
What a dump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liked your place wasnt felling presured like at the other place i went to first at that place i had 4 girls asking me to buy them a drink all sitting on top of me! Keep up the good work and i’ll spend my money at your club anytime!
Coming here is like going to the dog pound!
This club is really a good time.Girls are really nice to talk to and the prices are great. I be stopping alot more!
Need to get some new girls but better than the other place I had fun at you’r place regardless and you’r good people!
We had a GREAT time. Enjoyed the lap dances and all around atmosphere was fun.
Went to a Christmas party at another club Friday it SUCKED!Stopped by your club great time!
Not that bad considering where its at. This aint Pittsburgh or Cleveland or Columbus. Take what you can get.
Good time, decent dancers who are friendly but not overly hustling you. Private rooms are fun, but pricey and too small.
I dont think you need to change a thing!
great time here! will make this my home club. no need to go anywhere else.
Crustys or Fantasy’s? FANTASY”S!!!!!!!!!!!!!You know it baby!
I got to go with the last one maybe bring a few new stock but other than that all your girls are sweethearts! I be back everytime.
Went sat. night. Approx. 10 dancers,3 were very pretty.MUCH better than next door,Christie’s is Bad! All in all,a nice place,would go again, but why do they charge women cover?
I’ve had sex with some of the dancers…they hold some things back
this is a really good club the owner is a real good guy…eli keep up the good work
This club is alot better than Christie’s right next door, the drinks are better priced, and the dancers are alot better! This is my club of choice from now on!
Awesome place! Much better than mine!
Tiffanys is a lot better club for the money.
Lots of new girls and new updates, both a great improvement. Will definitely be back like the class that has been brought in and done to the place.
Quickly becoming my favorite club, and without question my favorite in West Virginia.
Low class and run down……….
Id spend my money anytime at your club!
A real turd farm!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyday! Anytime! You got it going on dude! This is the place to go!
Not even the remodel has helped this dump!
Has potential. Needs some $$ invested in it. Girls are stand-offish and keep to themselves or their cliques.
A shithole
Laid-back, comfortable, low-pressure environment. Good facility with a large stage and seating area, lap dance room, champagne rooms, jacuzzi rooms, a fully stocked bar, and deep-fried food. Reasonable prices. If the right entertainer(s) show up, you can have a great time. Lately, Friday nights have featured a great lineup.
girls do treat you nicer than over at Cristie’s they are’nt stuck the fuck up! Kool! And i like how they take all their clothes off they don’t fuck around!
Hey love you guys. I see there’s a bunch of us fuck’n loosers on here on Christmas night! Must be because everythings closed!
This is the shit! I’ll be back and bringing friend ! The place next to it needs to close the door for good!
Only in Wild West Virgina! and only at Fantasy’s!
I had fun at your place and even left with 50 cents in my pocket! If i was at the other place they’d be tring to get me to bounce checks!
My personal favorite, and currently the only club on Route 2 that’s worth the time…or the money.
Great time, great club.
By far the worst club I’ve ever been too. Staff is horrible. club is filthy. You’ll need a tetanus shot when you leave there.
If i just got off the boat it would be to Fantasy’s i would go! If i just got out of Mental Ward to Cristy’s i would be! Never the less Fantasy’s is the one for me!
Girls are friendly and not diva-like as at other places I’ve been.
Great time! Even the fat chick was good looking!
Had a great time. Club was very comfortable & laid back. I wasn’t pressured by the girls to do privates & staff was very friendly.
was out with my buddies went in that other place by your club dont know if i can say name on here had a few drinks check out the dancers ……Needless to say only had a few drinks and left on the way out some ugly thing tried to give us free passes….we passed on them free passes!
Best club on Route 2! Don’t waste your time going next door or down the road. Best overall selection of dancers right here! You can’t go wrong.
its the shit… i love this place
Another good time as usual.
this place was ok the guys around us one got a BJ
Taryn is way hot
Will allway’s be back for more fun! You can have my last dollar dude!
A real shithole!!!!!!!!!!
A good place for me to POOP on.
A waste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great place. The staff is friendly and the dancers are hot. Easily the best run club on rt. 2.
You need help!
Dancers run this club.
I enjoyed the atmosphere of the club. I am an older male and was treated very well by Anna and enjoyed my private room with her. No one tried to Hustle me.
I wish I lived here. I’d be here every single night. THIS PLACE IS THE SHIT!!!
Someplace over the rainbow! Love this club but i’m easy after the other place pits of hell!
I was here in Cumerland for work and I visited this club for the first time a few weekends ago and I was very impreesed with the dancers and the entire scene. I enjoyed talking to the staff from the dancers to the bartender. I had a great time and would definately suggest this club to anyone. I will return!!!!!!
Lets say it like it is Rumorz sucks.
Blows shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
awsome best ever